521 Departure 22
Then he asked with a smile: "Have you ever seen that Ze Jing?"

"You mean Ah Li?"

Jin Yuan was startled, looked at him suspiciously and said, "Judge, why are you looking for Ah Li?"

"I have something to ask him!"

Lu Pan rolled his eyes and replied with a sneer.

Seeing his strange expression, Jin Yuan became vigilant, but there was a gentle smile on her face: "Ah Li is not here, if the judge wants to ask anything, it's the same for me..."


Lu Juan lowered his head in embarrassment and thought for a moment, finally shook his head and said, "Actually, it's nothing, but I just want to apologize to that Ze Jing!"

Jin Yuan looked at the judge suspiciously.

No matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like he is sincerely apologizing!
And speaking of the situation at that time, Ah Li also scolded him a lot, and he had nothing to apologize for!
Ah Li has already got back into the moon rock at this time, and he doesn't know if he heard the judge's words.

The moon stone has been quietly staying in the pocket, without any movement, presumably Ah Li doesn't bother to pay attention to him.

Seeing that A Li didn't respond, Jin Yuan smiled faintly, nodded and said, "Judge, I will tell A Li! I still have something important to do, if it's okay, I'll say goodbye!"

Lu Panqiang nodded with a smile, and when Jin Yuan turned to leave, he stopped her again.

"Miss Jin Yuan, I want to ask, what is the bulge in your purse?"

Pointing to her purse, Lu Pan asked quietly, an inexplicable light flashed in his eyes.

Jin Yuan looked down.What he was referring to was actually the Moon Stone that he carried with him...

But Wu Gang told her before that they have lived in this Moonstone for thousands of years, and they don't want to be disturbed by the outside world, so don't just take it out!
"Judge, are you talking about double glazed beads?"

Jin Yuan reached into her purse, waved out the pair of colored beads that King Yama had given her, and waved them in front of him suspiciously.

The smile on Lu Juan's face froze.

He didn't expect... King Yan Luo actually handed over the double glazed beads to this humble little fairy in front of him!
This is an extremely important treasure for their underworld!
"This pair of colored beads..."

Lu Pan pointed to the bead in Jin Yuan's hand, because he was too surprised and didn't know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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