522 Departure 23
Yan Luowang's cold voice sounded from behind him.

"Why, Judge Lu, do you have any questions?"

Lu Pan hurriedly turned around, shook his head obsequiously at King Yama and smiled, "I dare not..."

King Yan Luo gave him a cold look, then turned his gaze to Jin Yuan.

His eyes skipped over her purse.

It's just that his eyes are very cold, just like his expression, extremely cold and indifferent.

There was neither greed nor thoughtfulness in the eyes.

But Jin Yuan still couldn't help taking a step back.

Did he see the moonstone in her purse? !

However, he just looked at it quietly for a moment, then withdrew his gaze.

Jin Yuan thought he wanted to ask something, but he just said slowly: "With it, it is not difficult to deal with the wraith, go quickly..."

Jin Yuan nodded.

I really don't know if the "it" he is talking about is the double glazed beads, or the moon stone in her pocket.

But no matter if it's the double glazed beads or the moon stone, it's all helpful to me!
After Yan Luowang finished speaking to Jin Yuan, he put his hands behind his back again, glanced displeasedly at Lu Pan, who looked flattering, and said coldly, "Lu Pan, come with me, I have something to ask you!"

Lu Juan hurriedly lowered his head in response.

Jin Yuan looked at his submissive look at the moment, which was in stark contrast to the arrogant look he scolded her and A Li before, and sighed in her heart.

It turns out that the people who work in the underworld also look at their rank and status!
Seeing that they still had something to say, Jin Yuan graciously took back the double glazed beads, and flew away from the underworld.

Before leaving, she did not forget to wave goodbye to King Yama.

"Handsome Yan Luo Wang, thank you, I will come to play with you after I get rid of the wraith—"

Her crisp voice echoed throughout the underworld, and all the ghost messengers stopped what they were doing at that moment, with surprised expressions on their faces.

Did they hear correctly?

That little God of Wealth just now was so bold and disrespectful to their King Yama?
As for King Yan Luo and Lu Pan who hadn't left yet, their expressions twitched when they heard Jin Yuan's farewell words, and they couldn't help but froze in place!

PS: Recently, the relatives in the book city have responded strongly, and the messages are also positive, rewarding a kiss, hehehe~~ However, recently, some people maliciously gave A Li a low score to discredit her. A Li still said the original sentence, yes The support of those who like it is enough, Ai Nai!

(End of this chapter)

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