523 Departure 24
After leaving the underworld, Jin Yuan and the bull-headed horse-faced soldiers split into two groups.

They are looking for the soul of the national teacher Chao Li, and she is going to find where the body of the national teacher possessed by the resentful spirit is hiding now!

Jin Yuan raised her head and looked at the clear sky.

Counting the days... There are still a few days until the waning moon period when the power of the resentful spirits is weakest!

In the past few days, she must find the body of the national teacher, so that she can deal with the wraith!

But...she can't feel the hostility of the resentful spirit now, so where should she go to find the body of the national teacher?
Jin Yuan raised her head and looked around blankly, not knowing which direction to go.

By the way, don't you have the double glazed beads given by King Yama?
Jin Yuan patted her head, almost forgot about this layer, and hurriedly took out this precious double glazed bead from her bosom!

King Yan Luo said that this pair of colored beads can absorb part of the grievances of resentful spirits...

Then it should be able to feel the resentment!
In other words, it can guide her to find the place where the resentful spirit attached to the national teacher Chao Li is!
Jin Yuan made up her mind, holding the Shuang Liuzhu in the palm of her hand, looking at the Shuang Liuzhu quietly, praying in her heart for the Shuang Liuzhu to guide the direction of the national teacher.

But after a long time, the double glazed beads have not moved at all.

Not only was there no movement, even the cyan luster seen in the underworld was gone.

It lies quietly in the palm of your hand, and it looks just like an ordinary bead!

Jin Yuan held the double glazed beads and looked around suspiciously, but she couldn't see anything wrong.


Jin Yuan muttered to herself, and shook the two colored beads again.

"King Yama won't give me a fake product, will he?"


A low laugh came out of Jin Yuan's pocket, and when Jin Yuan heard it, she knew it was Ze Jing A Li who was snickering.

"A Li, what are you laughing at?"

Jin Yuan put away the beads and asked curiously.

Ah Li didn't get out of the moon stone.

After a while, he said in a soft voice: "If King Yama knows that you suspect that his double glazed beads are fake, he will be so angry that he will blow his beard and stare!"

Jin Yuan shrugged and reminded him funnyly: "A Li, King Yama is so handsome, why did he grow a beard?"

(End of this chapter)

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