527 Departure 28
Ming Ye hooked her lips and smiled noncommittally, and said quietly: "Even if I tell you...you can't find her at this moment!"

Seeing his confident appearance, Zhuo Yanchong was filled with nameless anger.

That's right... At that time, Xiao Yuan Bao'er said that he was jealous of this man named Ming Ye, but he just casually laughed it off!

But it doesn't mean he doesn't care about the relationship between this man and Xiao Yuan Bao'er!

She didn't tell herself where she went, so would she tell this man her whereabouts? !
Or... There is really a secret between them that they are keeping from him?

Zhuo Yanchong's face sank unconsciously, and he forced himself to throw away all kinds of conjectures in his mind, and said coldly: "Under the whole world, is it the land of the king, and the shore of the land, is it the minister of the king... How do you know that I am here?" Can't find her?"

"Tsk tsk, you are still as domineering as ever..."

Ming Ye held his chin and sighed, a playful smile flashed in his eyes.

"But don't forget, you are just a mortal at the moment, let alone this mortal world, if the little God of Wealth returns to the sky one day, how will you find her?"

Zhuo Yanchong frowned, why did the man in Mingye speak so strangely?

He seemed to recognize himself in his words...

This kind of knowledge is not the knowledge of the emperor, but it seems to know his past!
He was once influenced by blood lotus seeds, and various strange scenes kept appearing in his mind, which seemed to remind him of his past...

It wasn't until the blood lotus seeds withered that he suddenly woke up, only to realize that because he was too obsessed with the facts of the past, he always wanted to find out all the facts, but his unintentional words and deeds hurt Xiao Yuan Bao'er!

So since then, he decided to put aside everything in the past.

As long as Xiao Yuan Bao'er is by his side, what is the past?

Because Xiao Yuan Baoer once held his hand and said to him: "I can't participate in your past, but I will participate in your present and future..."

This sentence moved him more than holding his hand and bringing him to the old age!

But this man named Ming Ye actually said such strange words.

It was as if his past was closely related to Xiao Yuan Bao'er!

(End of this chapter)

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