528 Departure 29
"Mingye, what do you really know?"

Zhuo Yanchong looked deeply into his eyes and asked in a cold voice.

Ming Ye spread his hands and smiled: "It seems that your memory is not too bad, at least you still remember my name! It's just..."

Speaking of this, he changed his voice and said leisurely: "Everything the little God of Wealth does is for you, so you don't have to doubt anything, let alone regard me as your rival in love!"

"If you want to be my rival in love, it depends on whether you are qualified!"

Zhuo Yanchong sneered and said this without hesitation.

Ming Ye sighed lowly, shook his head and said, "Zhuo Yanchong, you are always so headstrong, even if you remember everything in the future, you will never be happy... Don't take it for granted that the little God of Wealth will be by your side, because in this world , Nothing ever happens for granted!"

Speaking of this, Ming Ye's lips curled up into a mocking smile, he patted Zhuo Yanchong's shoulder, and said lightly: "If I really want to take her away from you, it's not impossible..."

Zhuo Yanchong clenched his fists unconsciously, and said word by word: "Do you know that just because you broke into the palace at will, I can convict you?"

Ming Ye crossed his arms and sneered: "Zhuo Yanchong, I can come and go freely, you don't care...you can't even do that national teacher to escape from prison, so how can you care about me?"

There was provocation in his words.

No matter how calm Zhuo Yanchong was, he couldn't help but feel his veins popping out when he heard his words.

That's right, he didn't expect the national teacher to escape from prison...

But he didn't even expect that, how could Mingye know so clearly about the blockade? !
"It's in vain for me to waste a precious calming Gu on you..."

Ming Ye let out a long sigh, but he didn't take the calming Gu back from him.

Because he once promised the little God of Wealth not to let Zhuo Yan rush into trouble!

Although the emperor's words made him very unhappy...

But seeing that his anger had nowhere to vent, Ming Ye also felt a little more peaceful in his heart!

All the gods in the heavens, except the little God of Wealth, are so annoying...

If he didn't want to stimulate the god of war to recover quickly and fight the monster, he wouldn't bother to pay attention to these trivial matters!
(End of this chapter)

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