529 Departure 30
"Who are you and what do you know?"

To Ming Ye's surprise, although Zhuo Yanchong was furious, he didn't get angry at him, instead he looked at him calmly and asked.

"It's okay to tell you..."

Ming Ye shrugged and spread out his palms towards Zhuo Yanchong, a small and delicate Gu worm appeared in his hand. "I'm a Gu Yao!"

Zhuo Yanchong glanced at the strange bug in his palm, and a doubtful light flashed in his eyes: "Gu Yao?"

"Not bad!"

Ming Ye withdrew the Gu worm in his palm again, and said with a faint smile: "So I advise you not to make me angry before your divine power recovers... Otherwise, being bitten by my precious Gu worm will be extremely painful!"

Ming Ye made an exaggerated gesture while talking.

Seeing that Zhuo Yanchong was unmoved, he shook his head in disappointment and said, "It seems that you are not afraid at all... Alas, it's boring! Now you, holding the little God of Wealth and holding the little God of Wealth with lust, shouting once is not enough, you are really big There are different!"

Zhuo Yanchong narrowed his eyes slightly, and his voice became colder and harsher: "Are you bold, how dare you peek?"

"Why do you have the same reaction as Little God of Wealth?"

Seeing this, Ming Ye laughed loudly, and said while laughing: "Don't worry, I don't have time to peek, but it's because you have my calming Gu in your body, so I don't need to watch your actions, but I know what you are doing." Know it!"

Zhuo Yanchong looked at the self-proclaimed Gu Yao Ming Ye displeasedly, and when he heard him bewitching himself, wild anger rose in his brows.

"How dare you play tricks on me?"

"Hey, I played a calming Gu that is good for you..."

Ming Ye reminded him nonchalantly.

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Yanchong turned a deaf ear to Mingye's explanation, and slashed at him with an angry palm.

Ming Ye didn't want to do anything to him, so he dodged left and right, and shouted out of breath, "Zhuo Yanchong, I don't want to fight with you, stop it quickly, or I won't be polite!"

Zhuo Yanchong said with a sneer: "Ming Ye, no matter what kind of Gu you are, if you provoke me, there is only one end—"

After saying that, he slapped him hard again.

Ming Ye had no choice but to turn around and leap behind him, and cast another Gu worm to block Zhuo Yanchong's sight.

(End of this chapter)

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