530 Departure 31
Unexpectedly, Zhuo Yanchong's reaction was quick enough.

Wherever his palm wind went, the flowers and plants were shaken, and even the Gu worms cast by Ming Ye were shattered by the palm wind after a howling sound!
"My Gu worm..."

Ming Ye screamed, made a "stop" motion to Zhuo Yanchong, and said loudly: "Stop hitting, can I admit defeat?"

Seeing that Zhuo Yanchong didn't stop, he had no choice but to say again: "If you beat me to death, the Little God of Wealth will definitely not forgive you!"

It really worked.

Zhuo Yanchong withdrew his palm, looked at Ming Ye coldly, and said sharply, "Where is she, tell me quickly!"

Ming Ye breathed a sigh of relief, and stopped some distance away from him, lest he get angry and hit himself again.

"She went to the underworld to ask Yan Luowang for help..."

Ming Ye said casually, still sighing in his heart at Zhuo Yanchong's stern action just now.

It's not because he's powerless to fight Zhuo Yanchong, but if he injures Zhuo Yanchong with a Gu, the little God of Wealth will definitely scold him head-on!
Said he bullied the weak!
Alas, Zhuo Yanchong is a majestic god of war, but his divine power has not recovered, and he has become a weak person!
But looking at the situation where he chopped off his Gu worm just now, he began to doubt...

Zhuo Yanchong had already begun to recover his divine power!

Otherwise, with the power of a mortal, no matter how high his martial arts are, he can't destroy the Gu worms raised by him, a Gu monster!

Zhuo Yanchong frowned: "What hell, what King Yama? Please speak clearly!"

"Zhuo Yanchong, you really haven't recovered your divine power?"

Ming Ye asked tentatively, but didn't come any closer, and shook his head in bewilderment.

"I'm asking you about the whereabouts of little Yuan Bao'er!"

Zhuo Yanchong asked in a deep voice.

"I'm afraid of you..."

Ming Ye sighed helplessly, and said lightly: "The little God of Wealth just mentioned it to me. If she asks Yama for help in the underworld, she must have set off to find the hiding place of the national teacher at this very moment! You If you want to find her earlier, you should send more people to find the national teacher quickly!"

Only then did Zhuo Yanchong's complexion turn slightly better.

Looking at Ming Ye's expression, he didn't lie to himself!

PS: I had a headache, I fell asleep, and it turned out to be late, woohoo, Ah Li, come on, we are in a hurry...

(End of this chapter)

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