531 Departure 32
He remembered Xiao Yuan Bao'er said that when the moon is waning, it is the best time to get rid of the resentful spirits in the national teacher's body!

Luo Hen and Changsun Yan have already split into two groups to search for the whereabouts of the national teacher. It seems... Xiao Yuan Bao'er may meet them!

Zhuo Yanchong's heart trembled, he left Ming Ye and turned to leave the imperial garden.

Seeing him leaving just like that, Ming Ye shouted to his back in bewilderment: "Zhuo Yanchong, you haven't answered my question yet... have you recovered your divine power?"

But Zhuo Yanchong never responded to his words, leaving only a vigorous and stern figure.

Just like when he was the God of War, after a battle with monsters, he was as cold as ever.

Ming Ye looked at his back for a long time, then withdrew his gaze and sighed lowly.

No wonder the little God of Wealth felt uneasy, unable to see through Zhuo Yanchong...

Although he can't beat the God of War, he is a Gu Yao who has lived for a long time, but he can't see what Zhuo Yanchong is thinking!

On the first day of the lunar new year, he appeared in front of Ming Ye at some point, recalling his drifting thoughts.

"From what I see, Zhuo Yanchong has not recovered his divine power, why did the master let him go just now?"

On the first day of the junior high school, he was puzzled by the sparring between him and Zhuo Yanchong just now, and also quite angry with Zhuo Yanchong's actions.

The master was originally entrusted by Miss Jin Yuan to come back to the palace to take care of Zhuo Yanchong, but Zhuo Yanchong did not expect to be disrespectful to the master!
Mingye saw the dissatisfaction on Chuyi's face, patted her head and smiled indifferently: "Chuyi, do you know that when I cast a Gu on him just now, I didn't want him?"

On the first day of the junior high school, he was taken aback, looked at Ming Ye in surprise, and said, "The master means..."

Ming Ye nodded, and said lightly: "If he is just a mortal, how could he easily crush my Gu worms?"

"But he doesn't seem to recognize his identity as the god of war... and he talked to the master just now, and he doesn't seem to know anything about it!"

The first day of junior high school is still full of doubts.

"Maybe he is gradually recovering his divine power, or maybe he hasn't realized it yet..."

Ming Ye casually shrugged and smiled, looking into the distance.

"Little God of Wealth is always worried about the God of War, alas... I don't think she has to worry about him at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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