The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 539 Get Rid of Wraiths 4

Chapter 539 Get Rid of Wraiths 4
"I see, it must be a must be a ghost!"

A villager who looked crazy opened his eyes wide in horror, grabbed the village chief's sleeve and chattered, "Run...or you will be killed by ghosts!"

However, those villagers didn't quite believe him, they only thought he was crazy.

But Jin Yuan was startled and quickly looked at him carefully.

Although he does look crazy, his eyes are not dirty, so he shouldn't be lying!

That is to say... he has seen the scene where the national teacher Chao Li sucked in the energy!

The person who spoke didn't want to let it go, he pulled the village chief and kept saying, "Run, I saw... It's a ghost, hugging one of them, but that person died..."

"Village chief, drive this lunatic away!"

Someone looked at the crazy man in disgust and said.

Others also nodded in agreement, expressing their approval.

The village head shook off the man, waved his hand and said, "Everyone go back, I will give you an explanation!"

The villagers shoved away.

Before leaving, he did not forget to bring back the corpse for a deep burial.

It didn't take long for the villagers to leave.

Only the lunatic-looking person was still standing there, muttering something like "ghost, it must be a ghost"!
Jin Yuan looked around and finally showed her figure.

She walked up to the crazy man and said politely, "Uncle, did you really see any ghosts?"

The man suddenly raised his head to look at Jin Yuan, stared blankly at her for a while, then shook his head and said, "There are ghosts, run quickly, or you will be eaten if you don't run, before it's too late..."

Jin Yuan was not discouraged, and continued to say persuasively, "When did you see a ghost? Where did that ghost kill those people?"

The man stopped talking, stretched out his trembling fingers, pointed to a mountain not far away, and whispered: "The ghost must be hiding there, there is a cave there, he must be hiding there!"

Jin Yuan looked in the direction of his finger.

The mountain is not high, but I just look around, but I can't see where the entrance of the cave is!
"Uncle, are you sure?" Jin Yuan asked again in doubt.

(End of this chapter)

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