The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 540 Get Rid of Wraiths 5

Chapter 540 Get Rid of Wraiths 5
The man didn't say anything more, just pointed to the mountain and murmured: "The ghost must be there, it must be..."

Jin Yuan lowered her head and thought for a moment, then decided to go to that mountain first.

"Then uncle, thank you very much..."

Jin Yuan cupped her hands and thanked him, then walked away.

The crazy man looked at Jin Yuan's figure, knelt down with a plop, and kowtowed in the direction of Jin Yuan's departure.

"God, I actually saw a living god..."

Jin Yuan was only thinking about the Wraith, she didn't realize that she was bowed down once, and flew all the way to that mountain.

Different from what you see in the distance, the green onions and plants on the mountain are all covered with a faint black color...

Jin Yuan lowered her head to check the plants on the mountain, and found that some flowers and plants were already dead.

He must have been affected by resentment and lost his anger!
She sighed and stroked the plants lightly, trying to restore them to their former vitality.

But once she does this, the resentful spirits hiding in the dark will be alarmed!

It seems that we can only get rid of the resentful spirit first, and then save these flowers and plants...

She straightened up, took away the fairy energy from her body, and carefully searched for the cave that the man mentioned.

However, after walking around the mountain for a long time, I didn't find any caves.

Jin Yuan stopped in her tracks.

Could it be that the man was really insane, but just made it up?
But her intuition told her that the national teacher with the spirit of resentment was indeed hiding in this mountain, there could be no fakes!

Jin Yuan looked at the sky, it was already evening, and the sun was slowly setting.

Calculating the time, the best time to get rid of the wraith should be tomorrow night!

Niutou Mamian didn't come to look for her at the moment, probably because he hasn't found the soul of Chao Li, the national teacher!
But there is less than a day left!

If she can't find the soul of the national teacher, she has no other way.

She can only rely on the double glazed beads, taking advantage of the weakest spiritual power of the wraith, to fight the wraith!
Jin Yuan was concentrating on contemplating when a gust of wind suddenly blew past, carrying a bit of hostility.

Along with the cloudy wind came a damp and unpleasant smell.

She quickly drew away her figure, quietly looking at the direction of the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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