The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 541 Get Rid of Wraiths 6

Chapter 541 Get Rid of Wraiths 6
After a while, she really heard a swishing sound.

Looking in the direction of the voice, she saw the body of the national teacher Chao Li at a glance.

I saw him dragging a young man slowly towards the direction not far away.

The man made a swishing sound because he was dragged on the ground and rubbed against the vegetation.

The man just passed out, but did not die...

It seems that the resentful spirit attached to the national teacher is going to take him to the old cave to suck his energy!
Jin Yuan stared at him all the way, took the opportunity to snap her fingers at the young man, and sealed the comatose young man's breath with the turtle breath method.

In this way, he who can't detect his breath will only be regarded as a dead person!
Now that he is dead, of course the wraith cannot absorb his energy!
Chao Li dragged the young man all the way, but did not see Jin Yuan's actions.

It wasn't until he walked a lot of winding mountain roads that he stopped at a place with lush vegetation.

Jin Yuan held her breath, only to see that with a slight wave of Chao Li's hand, the plants would automatically separate.

A not too big cave slowly appeared in front of him.

No wonder she couldn't find the cave where he was hiding, it turned out he was using a trick!
She scolded herself for being careless, but she didn't realize that the blinded plants looked darker than other plants on the mountain.

It must have been eroded by strong resentment and lost all luster!
The national teacher Chao Li let go of his hand, lowered his head and was about to suck the young man's energy, but found that the man was not breathing, and opened his eyes in doubt.

Seeing his surprised and bewildered expression, Jin Yuan's lips curved into a sneer.

With her here, she will never allow more people to be hurt by the wraiths and lose their lives!

The national teacher leaned over to look at the young man for a moment, and finally confirmed that he was not breathing. He sighed helplessly, threw the man away, turned and walked into the cave.

Jin Yuan followed him into the cave.

But as soon as he reached the entrance of the cave, he was shaken by the strong evil spirit coming from inside.

How many people's spirits did the wraith absorb to have such a great evil spirit!
The cave is not too big, and after walking for too long, we have reached the center of the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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