The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 542 Get Rid of Wraiths 7

Chapter 542 Get Rid of Wraiths 7
Jin Yuan looked at the dead bones everywhere in the cave, felt her heart tremble, and secretly clenched her fists.

I don't want to think about it, this must be the work of resentful spirits!
Even if there is a huge grievance, whether it is a grievance to the sky or to the ground, you should not find innocent people to vent it on!
But that resentful spirit has killed so many people, even if he is caught and handed over to the underworld, I am afraid that even if the cause of the resentment is solved, it will be able to avenge his grievance...

That strand of soul will also be sent to hell to be tortured!

Alas, she finally understood why Yan Luowang would say the words of past life cause and present life fruit!
Chao Li, the national teacher who was possessed by the resentful spirit, returned to the cave and did not do anything strange, just closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Seeing that he would not leave here for a while, Jin Yuan frowned and looked around the cave.

Nothing but dry bones...

She turned and left the cave, and waved again at the young man at the entrance of the cave, summoning a cloud of auspiciousness.

Xiangyun supported the man and flew down the mountain to his own home.

At this moment, the sky has completely darkened.

The moon seemed to be covered by dark clouds, and the whole world was shrouded in darkness.

The mountain was silent, except for the occasional howling of two crows.

Although the surrounding area was very quiet, Jin Yuan did not relax her vigilance. She found a place not far from the entrance of the cave and concealed herself to meditate.

I don't know how long I have been meditating, but Chao Li, the national teacher, has not left the cave for half a step.

Until the middle of the night, Jin Yuan was about to fall asleep by herself, but the rustling of wind and grass woke her up.

"Miss Jin Yuan..."

A hoarse low call slowly entered her ears, seeming to be far away.

Jin Yuan's body shook suddenly, and she looked where the voice came from, and she saw two slightly familiar figures.

She flew over, and the bull head and horse face was not far away, holding a yaksha to salute Jin Yuan.

Under their yakshas, ​​there is still the soul of the national teacher Chao Li.

"Miss Jinyuan, we have found Chao Li's soul under the order of King Yama, and brought it to Miss Jinyuan!"

After speaking with a bull's head and a horse's face, he put away the Yaksha and pushed the soul to Jin Yuan.

Chao Li's soul was suppressed by the bull's head and horse face because of struggling before, but now when he sees Jin Yuan, he is surprised to be from ear to ear.

(End of this chapter)

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