The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 551 Get Rid of Wraiths 16

Chapter 551 Get Rid of Wraiths 16
A waning moon hangs in the night sky unknowingly.

Before the resentful spirit could speak, a group of men and horses suddenly sprang out from the grass, and quickly surrounded Chao Li, the national teacher who was possessed by the resentful spirit.

The leader of that team was Changsun Yan.

Jin Yuan looked at Changsun Yan in surprise: "How did you find this place?"

Changsun Yan just smiled lightly.

He had no time to respond to Jin Yuan's words, and ordered his elite soldiers to take out ropes to tie Chao Li's body.

The resentful spirit was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Jin Yuan with fire-breathing eyes, and said in a cold voice: "The majestic God of Wealth will also play these tricks?"

Jin Yuan was speechless.

Changsun Yan would lead troops to find here, she really did not expect...

Maybe she was too focused on communicating with the resentful spirits, so she didn't notice that they quietly went up the mountain and hid in the dark, just waiting for the waning moon to climb into the night sky!
But she can't blame Zhang Sunyan for breaking her plan!
Because Zhang Sunyan led his troops to find the escaped national teacher, it was under Zhuo Bingshan's order!
And it was she who told them to catch the Wraith at this opportunity!

The only thing she was worried about at this time was that their sudden appearance would arouse even greater anger from the wraiths!

"Queen, the last general has already caught him, please let the queen go back to the palace with the last general!"

Changsun Yan saw that his soldiers had tied up the body of the national teacher Chao Li, and said to Jin Yuan.

Jin Yuan glanced worriedly at Chao Li, the national teacher who was not moving, feeling a little puzzled in her heart.

"Has the emperor been in the palace these few days? Has something happened?" Jin Yuan suppressed the doubts in her heart, and asked Changsun Yan worriedly.

Chang Sunyan shook his head, and replied blankly: "Since the national teacher escaped from prison, the last general has been ordered to arrest the national teacher. I don't know much about the affairs in the palace..."

Hearing what he said, Jin Yuan was even more worried.

Ah Li has already gone to see Zhuo Bingshan in the palace, but he hasn't come back yet, and he doesn't know how Zhuo Bingshan is doing now!

While she was talking with Changsun Yan, the soldiers who tied up the national teacher Chao Li suddenly let out a scream.

Jin Yuan turned her head and saw Chao Li, the national teacher who was possessed by a resentful spirit, had already broken free from the restraints and grabbed one of the soldiers with one hand.

(End of this chapter)

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