The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 552 Get Rid of Wraiths 17

Chapter 552 Get Rid of Wraiths 17
The soldier he caught was still struggling.

And the wraith's nails suddenly became extremely sharp, piercing the soldier's heart, and then laughed wildly at the other stunned people.

"Hahaha... Just relying on you, you want to trap me?"

The insolent laughter soared straight into the sky, causing the clouds to disperse one after another.

Seeing this, Chang Sun Yan's expression changed drastically, but he did not change his calm demeanor. He shouted at the stunned soldiers and ordered: "Quickly raise the bow and arrow in your hand, we must not let the national teacher escape!"

When those people heard the words, they raised their bows and arrows in unison.

Without waiting for Chang Sunyan to issue an order, Chao Li's soul, who was cast by Jin Yuan with the body-holding technique, broke through the body-holding technique at some point.

He flew in front of his physical body, raised his arms and shouted at the archer, "Don't... don't destroy my physical body!"

But only Jin Yuan can see the soul of the national teacher Chao Li!

Jin Yuan waved her hand and said coldly to Chao Li's soul, "Hide aside first, otherwise don't blame us..."

"But, but..."

Chao Li's soul worriedly watched a group of people pointing bows and arrows at his body, and said hesitantly, "What if they kill me?"

"Of course I have a way, you get out of the way..."

After Jin Yuan finished speaking, she found that Wraith was grinning grinningly while reaching out to grab him.

She hurriedly waved her sleeves towards his soul, and a gust of wind blew his soul away from the wraith.

But Chao Li's soul didn't notice at all that just now, the hand of the resentful spirit had moved behind his back, almost destroying him!

At this moment, Changsun Yan had ordered the firing of arrows.

Seeing the dense arrows shooting at the national teacher Chao Li who was possessed by the resentful spirit, Jin Yuan was startled, and it was too late to stop it.

The wraith raised his head to the sky and roared, and spewed out a strong evil spirit in the direction of the arrow.

Then those arrows changed direction and shot towards the soldiers.

Seeing this, Jin Yuan screamed in her heart that it was not good, and hurriedly yelled at everyone: "Get out of the way—"

But not everyone can dodge quickly to avoid the arrows that suddenly turned towards them!
(End of this chapter)

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