The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 553 Get Rid of Wraiths 18

Chapter 553 Get Rid of Wraiths 18
And those soldiers who didn't have time to dodge were pierced by the arrows they shot, and they didn't even have time to let out howls.

Changsun Yan was also stunned by this scene, and stammered: "Emperor... Empress... Didn't you mean Wraith... When the moon is short, will the power be weakened?"

Jin Yuan sighed helplessly.

She waved a huge barrier to prevent the wraith from harming the rest of the people temporarily, and explained in a low voice: "The power of the wraith has indeed weakened, otherwise... there will be no one alive at this moment!"

It's just that...

The resentful spirit was originally moved by her words, but now seeing a group of people surrounded him, the resentment was undoubtedly aroused even more.

The more resentment surges, the more powerful he will be!
Even if it is the waning moon, because of the gathering of resentment, it is just a trivial matter for that resentment to deal with mortals!

Changsun Yan couldn't help but gasped, and asked with difficulty: "Then what should we do?"

"Now we can only play by ear, you must remember not to provoke the wraith's anger..."

Jin Yuan said in a deep voice, stretched out her hand and shook Changsun Yan and other soldiers' heads, reminding them: "With this barrier, the wraith can't hurt you for the time being!"

"What about you, queen?"

Changsun Yan looked at Jin Yuan worriedly.

However, at this moment, Jin Yuan was in no mood to listen to what he had to say.

"Wraith, the moon is short tonight, you should leave the body of the national teacher quickly..."

Under the bright moonlight, Jin Yuan approached the wraith step by step, and warned him righteously.

"Hehe, so what about the lack of a moon? With these mortals, you want me to be caught without a fight?"

The wraith laughed wildly a few times, and his eyes suddenly became strange and terrifying.

The whole person is also completely deformed...

"Little God of Wealth, in vain I almost believed your words just now..."

He stretched out his sharp and long nails, and grabbed Jin Yuan swiftly and resolutely.

"It turns out that the truths in your mouth are just another way of deception. The majestic God of Wealth actually wants to use this trick to restrain me, haha..."

While avoiding his sharp claws, Jin Yuan replied calmly: "I didn't lie to you... As long as you think it's not too late, then it won't be too late..."

(End of this chapter)

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