The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 554 Get Rid of Wraiths 19

Chapter 554 Get Rid of Wraiths 19
However, that resentful spirit's eyes were already stained with blood, and he couldn't listen to anything Jin Yuan said.

Seeing that his big palm was about to slap her, Jin Yuan waved her hand and threw a glittering golden ingot at him, muttering in her mouth.

A burst of intense golden light flashed from the ingot, surrounding the wraith, temporarily suppressing his monstrous evil spirit.

The soldiers, including Changsun Yan, were dumbfounded.

How could the queen conjure up a golden ingot?

And... moreover, this ingot seems to be able to calm the resentful spirits?

"Tips for carving insects..."

The resentful spirit roared angrily, and flew away the ingot emitting golden light.

It also broke away the barrier that Jin Yuan had set up for all the soldiers.

"Since you all want to come and catch me, I will let you all die happily together, hahahaha..."

The wraith roared angrily and whipped up a gust of wind, wrapped the group of soldiers and threw it towards the foot of the mountain.

Jin Yuan was startled, could she still survive by throwing it like this?
She waved her sleeves to summon Yunxia and supported all the soldiers.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, the Wraith slapped her hard on the chest.

If it weren't for the protection of the Buddha beads, Jin Yuan's soul would have been shattered by such a blow.

She clutched her chest and took two steps back, stabilized her figure, and moved to the edge of the cliff step by step.

"Little God of Wealth, I'm tired of absorbing the energy of mortals..."

The resentful spirit left those soldiers behind and approached Jin Yuan step by step, with a cruel and bloodthirsty smile.

"I've never inhaled the essence of a fairy before! I must have greatly increased my skill after inhaling it..."

Jin Yuan took a deep breath, took out the double glazed bead from her bosom, held it tightly in her hand, looked at the resentful spirit calmly and said, "Even if you kill all mortals and gods, everything will not start all over again..."

"Then I want everyone to be buried with me..."

The resentful spirit sneered and attacked Jin Yuan again.

Jin Yuan was already standing on the edge of the cliff, taking advantage of the moment he rushed over, she quickly drew away to avoid his palm, then waved her sleeves to summon Chao Li's soul, and shouted loudly: "Quick, this is you!" The only chance for the soul to enter—”

Hearing the words, Chao Li's soul charged towards his body in high spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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