The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 555 Get Rid of Wraiths 20

Chapter 555 Get Rid of Wraiths 20
A piercing scream resounded through the mountains.

Unprepared, the resentful spirit was driven out of his body by Chao Li's soul, and immediately rushed towards Jin Yuan with all its teeth and claws.

"You think I can't deal with you without that physical body..."

The resentful spirit sneered and sneered, and before its claws with menacing aura touched Jin Yuan, it was shaken away by a burst of intense light.

The resentful spirit's face changed drastically, and he stared at Jin Yuan, gnashing his teeth and said, "Chongming Bird?"

Jin Yuan lowered her head, looked at the glowing Moonstone in her pocket, knowing that it was Chongmingniao reminding herself, she quickly spread her hands.

Under the light of the moon, the double glazed beads emitted a translucent blue light.

The resentful spirit's expression changed in various ways, and it attacked Jin Yuan like crazy, wanting to shatter the pair of colored pearls with a palm.

Jin Yuan was forced back again and again by his evil spirit, but the double glazed beads floated motionless in mid-air, and their luster became brighter and brighter.

Seeing a little bit of his resentment being absorbed by the double glazed beads, the resentful spirit began to yell.

His sharp claws grabbed Jin Yuan's skirt, trying to tear her apart.

Jin Yuan's chest was shaken by his evil spirit just now, and she had already endured the pain to take out the double glazed beads, but now she was restrained by him, and she was powerless to resist.

Changsun Yan watched this scene in astonishment, until he found that Jin Yuan was captured by the resentful spirit, he shouted: "Hurry up and protect the queen—"

Those soldiers raised their swords and surrounded the wraith again.

It's just that before they got close to the wraiths, a few of them were sucked dry and turned into dry bones!
Jin Yuan waved at the other soldiers, wanting to tell them not to make unnecessary sacrifices!

Seeing their companions being killed by the wraith, those people were so frightened that their legs trembled and they didn't dare to come forward.

Changsun Yan shook his head and cursed in a low voice, "They're all cowards..."

After finishing speaking, he picked up the long sword and stabbed towards the wraith.

But just as the sword was raised, it was turned into a puddle of water by the resentful spirit...

"As I said, tonight, this is where all of you will be buried!"

The wraith laughed loudly, his voice hoarse and unpleasant.

He just had the last laugh, his voice suddenly changed, and was replaced by a frightened struggling sound.

(End of this chapter)

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