The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 556 Get Rid of Wraiths 21

Chapter 556 Get Rid of Wraiths 21
"Chongming Bird..."

The wraith seemed to yell in horror.

His original black body gradually dissipated, and his body became thinner and thinner.

Then a phoenix sound came to everyone's ears.

Jin Yuan also couldn't help raising her head, only to see the Chongming Bird flying high at some point.

His long phoenix tail ignited a raging fire, trapping the wraith to death in the raging fire, making it impossible to escape!
Everyone couldn't help staring wide-eyed.

Have they ever seen such a shocking scene?
A phoenix bird like the legend hovered above the wraith, and wherever its tail went, a raging fire ignited.

Tormented by the raging fire, the wraith kept howling, and finally lost his strength and fell to the ground.

Another phoenix cry sounded, the Chongming bird flapped its wings, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Jin Yuan knew that he had returned to the Moonstone, and hurriedly approached the wraith curled up on the ground with the double glazed beads.

With the raging fire of the Chongming Bird, the influence of the waning moon, and the spiritual power of the double glazed beads, the wraith has no intention of struggling anymore...

Seeing this, Changsun Yan walked over confidently and boldly, looked at the black thing curled up in a ball, and asked hesitantly: "Queen, is this the resentful spirit attached to the national teacher?"

Jin Yuan nodded, and kept putting the double glazed beads beside the wraith.

It wasn't until the luster of the double glazed beads stopped rolling that she turned around and said to Changsun Yan: "General Changsun, go and see the national teacher..."

She ordered Chao Li's soul to return to its place just now, and she doesn't know whether that soul has returned to its place!

"I will go and see..."

Chang Sunyan had seen the shocking scene just now, and felt a little awe of Jin Yuan, so he hurriedly got up and walked towards the direction of the national teacher Chao Li.

Jin Yuan looked down at the wraith whose soul was gradually fading away, and couldn't help shaking her head and sighing.

If you have too much obsession, in the end, you will only harm yourself!
That mass of dark spirit body... finally became transparent and nothing under the brilliance of the double glazed beads.

The last wisp of smoke also drifted away with the wind.

Jin Yuan put away the double glazed beads and was about to stand up when she heard Zhang Sunyan yelling not far away: "No, the national teacher has died!"

PS: Thank you for your concern. People who stay up late writing articles can’t afford to be hurt... Ari will take care of her body. Dear friends, please remember to leave a lot of messages, so that Ari will be more motivated, hehe!

(End of this chapter)

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