The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 562 Get Rid of Wraiths 27

Chapter 562 Get Rid of Wraiths 27

Luo Hen hesitated for a moment, then changed his tune: "Maybe I should call you the God of Wealth!"

Seeing that his words were a little more distant than usual, Jin Yuan smiled and said, "I think it's easier for you to call me Jin Yuan...Did Xiao Hui tell you all of this?"

Luo Hen nodded: "Just now I saw you get rid of that wraith... I realized that Xiao Hui wasn't lying! It's just... since you are a god, how could you come down, and you will... still be with the master ..."

Having said that, Luo Hen fell silent.

Jin Yuan shrugged and smiled: "Gods also have gods' missions... As for meeting and falling in love with your master, I think it may be a coincidence, or it may be destiny..."

She sighed softly, and stroked her wrist again.

Whether it's coincidence or destiny, with the fetters of the red line, no matter what happens in the future, they will not be separated!

Looking at the warm smile that flashed across her lips, Luo Hen unconsciously thought of her master again.

Well, no matter what their status is, being able to know and love each other is the most important thing!
"Luo Hen, Xiao Hui will never tell a lie!"

Jin Yuan withdrew her wandering thoughts, patted Luo Hen's shoulder again, and said seriously: "He came down with me... If you can't accept him, then let him leave you and come back to live with me !"


Luo Hen blurted out without thinking.

Seeing Jin Yuan's teasing gaze, his face turned red, and he said hesitantly: "Xiao Hui, Xiao Hui is used to living in my house..."

"Is it?"

Jin Yuan touched her chin, and said tentatively: "But he is under the seat of the Supreme Lord, and one day he will return to the heaven..."

"Can't you not go back?"

Hearing this, Luo Hen asked nervously and expectantly.

"This is..."

Jin Yuan blinked and smiled, and said quietly: "That depends on Xiao Hui's own wishes! If he doesn't want to go back, I'll talk to him again, maybe Taishang Laojun won't force him!"

Luo Hen nodded overjoyed: "Thank you Queen...Jin Yuan God of Wealth!"

Jin Yuan was provoked by his confusing address, and her smile froze suddenly when she heard his next words.

(End of this chapter)

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