The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 563 Get Rid of Wraiths 28

Chapter 563 Get Rid of Wraiths 28
He said: "Speaking of going back, then, Jin Yuan, will you return to the heaven in the future?"

Jin Yuan lowered her eyes and was silent for a while, as if she had made up her mind, she raised her head and smiled at Luo Hen in relief.

"As long as you don't separate from Zhuo Bingshan, it doesn't matter where you go!"

Luo Hen stared at her blankly, and wanted to say something, when the guards walking in front suddenly heard commotion.

"What happened?"

Jin Yuan frowned and looked ahead.

Luo Hen also frowned, and rushed to see what happened.

Seeing those guards backing away as if they had seen a ghost, he asked in a deep voice, "What's wrong?"

"Master Luohen, look quickly..."

One of the guards pointed to the wrapped body of the national teacher and said tremblingly.

Luo Hen looked intently, and saw that the corpse of the national teacher wrapped in a mat was slowly swelling up.

And it swelled more and more, cracking the mat.

He also couldn't help taking a step back, really not sure what the situation was.

The troops led by Changsun Yan also rushed up to check what happened.

Seeing the sudden change of the corpse wrapped in the mat, Chang Sunyan couldn't help but widen his eyes: "This, this can't be a corpse change?"

"How could a corpse change?"

Jin Yuan also came forward, frowned and looked at the swelling of the mat, marveling in her heart.

The soul of the national teacher Chao Li has been taken away by the bull head and horse face, and the resentful spirit has been absorbed by the double glazed beads...

All of this must not be caused by resentful spirits!
At this moment, she had no time to think about it, she walked over to Chao Li's corpse without any explanation, and lifted the mat.

Amidst the screams of the crowd, the corpse of Guoshi Chao Li straightened up, grabbed Jin Yuan's arm, and grabbed it tightly.

And those closed eyes also opened suddenly, but there was no expression in them.

"It's really a dead body!"

Seeing Chao Li grabbing Jin Yuan's arm, several guards echoed tremblingly.

Although Luo Hen and Changsun Yan were shocked, they didn't retreat any further, instead they rushed forward to help Jin Yuan.

Jin Yuan shook her head to stop them, lest Chao Li do anything harmful to them, and carefully looked at his standing body...

(End of this chapter)

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