The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 564 Get Rid of Wraiths 29

Chapter 564 Get Rid of Wraiths 29
To be exact, it was still a corpse!

"Ha ha……"

Chao Li grabbed Jin Yuan's arm tightly and let out a few hoarse and horrifying laughs. "I'll die again—"

After he finished his low laugh, he stretched his other hand straight towards Jin Yuan's neck.

Jin Yuan turned her head, with a golden seal formed on her hand, and slapped Chao Li on the forehead.

His raised arm stopped in mid-air, his body was extremely stiff.

"Queen... Is this national teacher really a corpse change?"

Changsun Yan saw that the body of the national teacher Chao Li was pinned down by Jin Yuan, so he became a little more courageous and approached and asked: "Or...or is the national teacher returning to his soul?"

"His soul has been taken away by ghost messengers, and it is impossible to return his soul..."

Jin Yuan shook her head, and said calmly, "I didn't smell any anger in him, that is to say, he is still a corpse!"

And although she fixed him, the arm tightly held by him was still under the restraint, unable to break free.

"Then why did he get up all of a sudden?"

Luo Hen asked in bewilderment.

Jin Yuan thought for a moment, then shook her head and sighed: "I think, maybe he still has obsession in the mortal world, and that residual obsession is used, so the corpse will stand up, as if resurrected, but people don't. any awareness..."

"What does the empress mean...he will become a walking dead?"

Zhang Sunyan suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and asked with a bad feeling.

Jin Yuan nodded, and made another gang seal on Chao Li's hand holding her.

She tried to make him let go of himself, but it was in vain!

Not only did he not let go of his hand, but it gripped it even tighter.

She could even feel that his nails suddenly grew a little longer, piercing her sleeves and into the flesh of her arm!

"His corpse may now become a puppet..."

Jin Yuan summed it up like this.

"And it is likely to be a puppet who kills without batting an eye!"

Luo Hen frowned even tighter: "Who is manipulating all this behind the scenes?"

Jin Yuan smiled wryly and did not answer.

In fact, she has more or less guessed something...

She couldn't think of a second choice except that demons would do this!
(End of this chapter)

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