Chapter 603
Zhuo Yanchong lowered his head, stroked her cheek, shook his head and said with a wry smile: "But how can there be so many ifs in the world? Maybe, she couldn't bear to see me so lonely, so she sent you to me... all this, who said Are you sure?"

Jin Yuan looked at him obsessively.

I don't know how long it took before she opened her mouth and said, "I don't expect you to forget her completely, but...but can you give me your sincerity?"

He saw the expectation in her eyes, and remembered that she was hurt by his words a few days ago, but he suppressed a smile, and felt unprecedented pity in his heart.

"give me some time……"

He sighed, hugged her tightly, and whispered in her ear: "Let's work hard together, okay, little Yuan Bao'er..."

Jin Yuan's body trembled, and when she heard his voice "Little Yuan Baoer", all her patience and strength disappeared at that moment.

What a long-lost call...

In the short period from leaving the palace to returning to the palace, she seemed to be separated from him for thousands of years!

She finally put her arms around his back and burst into tears in his arms.

He is still her Zhuo Bingshan...

Even if there is an extra identity of Pojun Xingjun, he is still the original him!

Maybe he will never forget the former love, but now and in the future, he only has her!

And she, and only him!
"Zhuo Bingshan... After knowing that you have recovered your divine power, and seeing you estranged from me, I thought I lost the bet..."

She sobbed, and her voice came to his ears intermittently.

"So I never lost... right?"

He lifted up her tear-filled face with pity, kissed it lightly, dried the tears on her face, and said softly: "I have never forgotten you... the estrangement these days is just to let you See your own heart clearly!"

He originally planned to find her today, but he didn't expect that she would come to find him in the imperial study...

What's more, she didn't expect that when she came, she would scold him angrily because he was Po Jun.

"Little Yuan Baoer, the fact that I am Po Jun cannot be changed, do you still hate me?"

Zhuo Yanchong asked in a low voice close to her face.

Jin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously shook her head in denial.

She never disliked Pojun Xingjun!Although she was terrified by him!
PS: Someone asked Zhuo Yanchong if he forgot about Jinyuan after recovering his divine power. Ali explained that he hadn’t forgotten, but was just struggling with himself, because he remembered the original love, so he was so entangled... Dear If you don't understand, you can go back and read it again.

(End of this chapter)

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