Chapter 604
Jin Yuan froze, Na Na replied: "I'm just angry... Although when you were Po Jun, you always liked to tease me, and your personality was bad enough... But I don't hate you either!"

If you really hate him...

Then I won't see that he didn't come to find me later, and I will take the initiative to run to find him, only to find that he is no longer in the heaven!

Zhuo Yanchong couldn't help laughing when he heard her criticism of him.

She is the only one who dares to say to his face that his character is bad, among all the immortals in the heaven!

She was so courageous, and confronted him face to face more than once, how could he suspect that she was also one of those gangsters? !
"It's quite interesting to bicker with you once in a while! I actually went to find you later, but you had already left the heavenly realm at that time..."

Jin Yuan's tears were dry, she nestled in his arms and murmured.

Speaking of this, her eyes suddenly lit up: "So at that time, you had already come down to earth?"

Zhuo Yanchong nodded and muttered: "It must be... The Heavenly Emperor calculated that there will be a catastrophe between the heaven and the earth due to the breeding of monsters, so I will go down to the earth..."

Jin Yuan nodded.

He is the God of War, so it makes sense for the Emperor of Heaven to let him come down to deal with demons!
But... why did the Emperor of Heaven send her down?
She is just a little fairy, so she can't help you with monsters!
"Grandpa God of Wealth told me that the Emperor of Heaven asked me to guide you to be good, because you were cruel when you were an emperor, and you were called a tyrant..."

Jin Yuan shook her head puzzled and continued, "But the Emperor of Heaven knows your identity, why does he still ask me to guide you?"

Zhuo Yanchong frowned and remained silent for a while.

She couldn't figure it out, and he couldn't figure it out either!

The mind of the Emperor of Heaven has always been unpredictable...

Just like he insisted against being with Lian Er back then!
Lian'er is a lotus fairy who has ascended into the sky, and Jin Yuan is just a little fairy, the god of wealth. Why doesn't the emperor oppose them now?
Even Yuelao's red thread was brought over?
Although he told Xiao Yuan Bao'er that the red line of Yuelao didn't work because of a moment of anger, but this is not the case!
Without the approval of the Emperor of Heaven, Yue Lao would never dare to give them the red thread!

(End of this chapter)

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