Chapter 608
Jin Yuan was concentrating on thinking, Zhuo Bingshan is a Pojun, and has been cultivated for many years...

And this moon stone was left by Nuwa to mend the sky, and there lived ancient gods and beasts in it...

In fact, Zhuo Bingshan has seen it before, so it's not surprising!

It's just that he didn't know if he saw the Chongming Bird living in the Moonstone!

Wu Gang once confessed to her, telling her not to reveal the secret of the Moonstone...

Don't let others see the existence of the moon stone!
Zhuo Bingshan is the God of War, so he shouldn't be among others!

Zhuo Yanchong took the moon stone and looked at it carefully for a while.

Seeing him frowning in deep thought, Jin Yuan asked curiously, "Did you remember anything about this moon stone?"

Zhuo Yanchong was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I just feel familiar, but I can't remember where I met him!"

"Then can you see inside the Moon Stone?"

Jin Yuan asked, pointing to the turbid things on the Moonstone.

A strange color flashed in Zhuo Yanchong's eyes, and he was about to say something, but the people outside the imperial study room interrupted them.

"Your Majesty, there is an urgent report from the Western Regions—"

Zhuo Yanchong frowned, quickly picked up his robe and wrapped Jin Yuan tightly, and then said in a deep voice: "Submit the urgent report—"

A guard entered the study respectfully with an urgent report, as if he knew that Jin Yuan was there, he quietly retreated without even raising his head.

Jin Yuan leaned over to see what was written in the urgent report, but when she raised her eyes, she saw the scratches on his body, which were left by herself, and her face turned red again.

The guard just now probably didn't see it...

They were crossed in the Imperial Study Room...

The Imperial Study Room is the place where government affairs are handled!
When it's over, she will definitely gain a reputation as a disaster for the country!
It's all Zhuo Bingshan's fault, he's in heat no matter where he is!

As soon as the misunderstanding between her and him was resolved, he would start to attack her!
Zhuo Yanchong's attention was attracted by the urgent report in front of him, and he didn't notice the change in Jin Yuan's face at all.

When he saw what was written in the emergency newspaper, his brows were further frowned, and his face sank even more.

"What's the matter? What's written in the urgent newspaper?"

Seeing that his expression was not right, Jin Yuan hurriedly asked worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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