Chapter 609
Zhuo Yanchong pointed to the content of the urgent report, frowned and said in thought: "The small countries in the Western Regions belonged to us a few days ago... except for the Wuyue tribe! I didn't expect the Wuyue tribe to take advantage of the drought and natural disaster to invade those small countries in one fell swoop... ..."

Jin Yuan's heart trembled, and she hurriedly read the report carefully.

Sure enough, as Zhuo Bingshan said, those small countries that surrendered were invaded by the Wuyue tribe, and they were all asking for help and sending troops to support them!
Isn't the Wuyue clan a mysterious race... They shouldn't ask about worldly affairs!
How could you take this opportunity to attack other small countries?

"Zhuo Bingshan, what is the origin of this Wuyue clan?"

Jin Yuan asked suspiciously.

A gleam flashed in Zhuo Yanchong's eyes, he quietly read the urgent report for a long while, and then replied in a cold voice: "No matter what the background is, I can't just sit idly by!"

Jin Yuan nodded, asking for support for everything, of course she couldn't ignore it!
What's more, those small countries in the Western Regions sent so many tributes before, and this precious moon stone is one of them!

As the saying goes, a cannibal's mouth is soft, but his hands are short...

Help even if you can't!

Moreover, Zhuo Bingshan has now recovered his divine power.

That Wuyue tribe shouldn't be too difficult to deal with!

"Zhuo Bingshan, since you have recovered your divine power, maybe you can figure out what secret the Wuyue Clan has!"

Jin Yuan patted his arm and reminded him in a low voice.

Zhuo Yanchong shook his head, and said with a faint smile: "Although I have recovered my divine power, I cannot completely control these things in the mortal world..."

Speaking of this, he paused, his frown still not loosened: "The Western Region is far away from here, and some things... I am afraid they are located outside the Three Realms, not under the jurisdiction of the Heaven Realm!"

Jin Yuan was taken aback, and looked deep into Zhuo Yanchong's eyes: "That is to say, the Wuyue tribe...maybe they are not mortals?"

Zhuo Yanchong nodded, and said in a deep voice: "That's right... I've done the calculations, and I've figured out many small countries in the Western Regions, but I just can't figure out the past of the Wuyue Clan!"

It's as if...something protected the Wuyue Clan and stopped him from exploring!
What kind of secret does this Wuyue Clan have?

(End of this chapter)

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