Chapter 610
Jin Yuan was silent for a moment, suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she hurriedly said: "By the way, if we can find out that the blood lotus seeds are planted by the Wuyue Clan, wouldn't it prove that the Wuyue Clan has colluded with demons?"

If it is said that the national teacher Chao Li found the blood lotus seeds, no matter what, she would not believe it!

Although the national teacher is dead, the demon is still there...

It's just that there seems to be no movement during this period of time!
If it is said that demons are manipulating all this behind the scenes, then the Wuyue Clan is not so easy to deal with!

Zhuo Yanchong nodded, quite agreeing with Jin Yuan's statement.

Of course he wanted to investigate the Wuyue tribe, and he had to do the matter of sending troops to support those small countries!


Zhuo Yanchong made up his mind and shouted in a deep voice to the outside of the imperial study.

The guard who submitted the urgent report hurried in respectfully.

"Pass down the order to let Changsun Yan and the Ministry of War wait in the meeting hall. I have something to tell them!"


The guard took the order and trotted away.

Seeing his calm expression, Jin Yuan knew that he had paid attention, but she still couldn't help asking: "Zhuo Bingshan, how do you plan to deal with the Wuyue Clan?"

Zhuo Yan stroked her hair, and said lightly: "I will send troops to support them to fight back against the Wuyue Clan... As for the secrets of the Wuyue Clan, I'm afraid I have to go there myself to find out!"

Hearing that he said that he would go there in person, Jin Yuan couldn't help but looked at him with trepidation and said, "But if there are monsters behind the Wuyue Clan... Do you think the monsters did this on purpose? In fact, they want to set a trap for you!"

A stern light flashed quickly in Zhuo Yanchong's eyes, he sneered and shook his head, "I've never been afraid of those traps of monsters!"

The majestic aura that belonged to Po Jun was undoubtedly revealed.

Jin Yuan stared blankly at him for a while, then sighed, lowered her eyes and said, "But I'm very worried... I'm worried that the monster has bad intentions and wants to murder you!"

It's not that she doesn't believe that Zhuo Bingshan is powerless to deal with monsters, but this matter is always weird...

She doesn't want him to take risks!

Because she doesn't want to lose him!

Zhuo Yanchong looked at her sudden depression, lifted her chin, and pressed a kiss on her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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