Chapter 624
She picked up the bronze mirror on the table and carefully looked at her face.

She doesn't have such a beautiful face, nor does she have the same temperament, and she doesn't know how to play the piano...

Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at the rouge and cinnabar, she took it over by accident, and began to apply it slowly on her face.

Lotus makeup, no cold flowers, only temporary fragrance...


Moran walked into the inner hall at some point and called out to Jin Yuan softly.

Holding the bronze mirror, Jin Yuan slowly turned to Moran, her eyes still blank.

Seeing Jin Yuan's appearance after putting on makeup, Moran froze with her mouth wide open.

She saw that the emperor's face was not gloomy early in the morning, and secretly wondered if something happened to the emperor and the empress, she was a little worried, and hurried into the inner hall to see Jin Yuan.

But I didn't expect...the queen was actually decaling yellow in front of the mirror!
it's nothing...

It's just that the queen used rouge and cinnabar to spot a delicate lotus flower between her eyebrows, which made her look much more beautiful.

She has never seen such a gorgeous queen, let alone someone with lotus flower makeup on the brows before!

But this lotus's perfect for a queen!
It seems that the queen should be so beautiful and unparalleled!
Moran was stunned for a long time, then walked up to Jin Yuan with a smile, took the bronze mirror in her hand and looked at her side with a smile and said: "The queen's makeup today is so beautiful... If the emperor sees it, It will definitely be appreciated!"

Jin Yuan reached out and touched her face, then looked at herself in the bronze mirror, and said in a daze, "Really?"

Mo Lan looked at her with a disappointed look, thinking that she had a dispute with the emperor, and nodded quickly: "Yes...Queen, you wait, servants go and find the emperor! He will be very happy when he sees it!"

After Moran finished speaking, he put down the bronze mirror and trotted away from the inner hall.

In fact, Zhuo Yanchong didn't leave the bedroom. After tossing about government affairs for most of the night, he had some disagreements with Jin Yuan, so he had to leave the inner hall and go to the side hall to rest his eyes and rest his mind.

When he heard Moran say that the queen is different today, he felt tense, thinking that something had happened to Jin Yuan, he hurriedly followed Moran to the inner hall.

"Your Majesty, look, isn't the Empress particularly beautiful today, she is as beautiful as a fairy!"

(End of this chapter)

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