Chapter 625 Dangerous 1
"Your Majesty, look, isn't the Empress particularly beautiful today, she is as beautiful as a fairy!"

Moran pointed to Jin Yuan who was sitting at the table in a daze and said with a smile.

It's just that after she said this, she just raised her eyes to look at Zhuo Yanchong, but was shocked by his cold expression.

so, so scary...

Why does the emperor have such a cold and terrifying expression?


Moran stammered and called him in a low voice.

Zhuo Yanchong stared at Jin Yuan for a while, then his eyes fell on Mo Lan again, and he scolded in a cold voice: "Who put makeup on her?"

Hearing this, Moran's legs trembled, and he quickly knelt down and replied tremblingly: "Your Majesty, forgive me, I saw the queen's make-up as soon as I came here! This... this makeup, I'm afraid it was the queen's own makeup... ..."

The queen's make-up is so gorgeous and unparalleled, why is the emperor furious?

Zhuo Yanchong waved his hands, not wanting to hear more from Moran, his face became more and more ugly, and he retorted in a cold voice: "Back off!"

"Yes Yes……"

Moran stood up in a panic, not daring to look up again, and exited the inner hall covered in cold sweat.

Only then did Zhuo Yanchong slowly approach Jin Yuan, his eyes were burning with raging anger, and his steps were rather heavy.

"Why are you dressed up like this?"

He walked to her side, squeezed her shoulder tightly, and asked word by word.

Jin Yuan raised her head to meet his eyes, her lips curled up slightly, and a weird smile appeared on her face.

"I'm like this... isn't it beautiful?"

She parted her vermilion lips lightly and asked quietly.

Zhuo Yanchong looked at her with a puzzled expression, and ordered coldly: "Wipe it off... I don't allow you to dress up like this, understand?"

"Why not?"

She smiled idiotically, pointing to the lotus makeup on her brow, and the sparkle in her eyes flowed.

At this moment, she is smiling and charming, looking forward to her appearance, she looks so much like Lian Er...

The resemblance scares him a little!
He didn't understand why she would put lotus flowers on the center of her eyebrows, and he didn't understand why she suddenly became so strange!
"Po Jun, do you think I look like your Lian Er?"

She grabbed his arm, as if possessed by a demon, and laughed wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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