Chapter 629 Dangerous 5
"Zhuo...Zhuo Bingshan, why is my face painted like this?"

Jin Yuan pointed to her face and looked at Zhuo Yanchong in disbelief.

Zhuo Yanchong pinched her cheek amusedly, raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you scared by your appearance?"

Jin Yuan nodded seriously, patted her chest and sighed, "It seems like a monster—"

The corners of Zhuo Yanchong's lips curled up slightly, and he took a deep look at her vivid expression, hugged her shoulders, and comforted her with a light smile: "Wash and you'll be fine..."

After finishing speaking, he called out to Moran and asked her to bring a basin of warm water over.

After Jin Yuan washed her face several times, she always felt uncomfortable.

It wasn't until Moran took the bronze mirror for her to take a picture, and she saw that the messy makeup on her face had been washed off, so she felt relieved and wiped her face clean.

"Strange, why did I turn myself into such a strange look?"

Jin Yuan was still talking to herself in puzzlement.

Moran was braiding her hair. Hearing what she said, he couldn't help but chuckled, and said in a low voice, "Queen, in fact, your lotus makeup just now is very beautiful, but..."

When Moran said this, he stopped.Because she remembered that the emperor's face changed drastically when he saw the queen's makeup.

Jin Yuan looked at herself in the bronze mirror and asked suspiciously, "Lotus makeup? What is that?"

"It's's just a lotus flower placed between the eyebrows!" Moran explained cautiously.

In fact, leaving aside the emperor's displeasure, that makeup actually suits the empress very well!

And put a red lotus on the brow, she has never seen anyone try it before!

Moran was still reminiscing about Jin Yuan's lotus makeup, but she didn't notice that Jin Yuan's face changed suddenly after hearing her explanation.

"Put a lotus flower between the eyebrows..."

Jin Yuan shook her head in disbelief.

She held up the bronze mirror and looked at herself carefully, then unconsciously stretched out her hand to stroke her forehead, and said in surprise, "Why would I dress myself up like that?"

If it wasn't for what Moran said, she wouldn't be able to remember what happened just now!
I just remember waking up from a nightmare drenched in sweat, and then seemed to have a quarrel with Zhuo Bingshan!
As for what the quarrel was about, she had no memory of it.

(End of this chapter)

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