Chapter 630 Dangerous 6
But speaking of lotus makeup...she was very impressed!

Because the sad woman in the dream is exactly the makeup Moran said!

That woman was Zhuo Bingshan's beloved Lian'er, and according to him, she was the incarnation of the lotus...

But she is not!
She is the God of Wealth, why did she make herself look like Lian'er like a ghost?

Seeing Jin Yuan's complexion suddenly changed, Mo Lan thought that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly lowered his head to plead guilty: "Queen, this servant deserves to die... This servant just spoke nonsense, please don't take it to heart!"

Jin Yuan waved her hand, stood up suddenly and looked at Moran, frowned and said, "Just tell me what happened to me just now!"

Moran was taken aback for a moment, she didn't really understand what happened just now.

She only knew that the emperor was furious when he saw the queen's makeup, and then drove her out.

"Back to the queen... the servant just saw that the queen was wearing lotus makeup, but she was not in a good mood, so she brought the emperor to have a look, the emperor, the emperor seemed to be displeased with the queen's makeup... so angry that he dismissed the servant... what happened later What, the servants don’t even know..."

Moran looked at Jin Yuan's expression while talking, and was slightly relieved when she saw that she was not angry.

Recently, the emperor and queen have become a little weird.

But what was wrong, she couldn't tell!
Jin Yuan lost her mind when she heard what Moran said.

She didn't expect that she would do some lotus makeup by accident, and Zhuo Bingshan got angry when she saw her makeup, she must have thought that she was imitating that lotus!

She was almost speechless to herself!
She told herself and Zhuo Bingshan that she is not anyone's substitute...

But now he took the initiative to imitate that Lian'er, Zhuo Bingshan might go crazy if he saw it!
She had just reconciled with him, and she knew...he wouldn't forget the woman he once loved so quickly.

And she is willing to give him time!

So that Lian'er... was the thunder point that she and he carefully wanted to avoid!
Because any time they quarreled, the dead Lian'er might be brought up!
The ones who got hurt because of this were definitely both sides!

It was not even a day before the reconciliation, but she actually took the initiative to step on the thunder, what a mistake!

(End of this chapter)

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