Chapter 631 Dangerous 7
Jin Yuan thumped her own head, shook her head and kept sighing in frustration.

However, Moran was frightened by her behavior, and after she tied up her hair, she hurriedly resigned, wanting to discuss with the eunuch Lin Fu in charge, and to invite an imperial doctor.

In the end, because he was absent-minded, he accidentally bumped into Zhuo Yanchong who was returning to the bedroom.

Zhuo Yanchong, who had finished the morning court, was still worried about Jin Yuan. When he saw Mo Lan coming out of the inner hall in a panic, he stopped her displeasedly and asked, "What made you so flustered?"

Moran hurriedly leaned over, and replied tremblingly: "Your Majesty, this servant looks at the Queen, she..."

She didn't know how to describe it.

Zhuo Yanchong's expression changed slightly, thinking that something had happened to Jin Yuan, he left Moran behind and strode towards the inner hall.

Jin Yuan walked back and forth in the inner hall by herself, still constantly scolding herself, or sighing a few words, without noticing when Zhuo Yanchong walked in.

Zhuo Yanchong was a little worried at first, but seeing Jin Yuan's annoyed expression talking to herself, a big stone in his heart fell down, and a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his lips.

"Little Yuan Baoer, where are you talking about all by yourself?"

Jin Yuan's body shook, seeing Zhuo Yanchong walking towards her, and remembering Mo Lan saying that she was wearing lotus makeup, she couldn't help laughing, shrugged her shoulders and said, "'s nothing!"

Zhuo Yanchong raised his eyebrows and looked at her, she hesitated like this, obviously something was on her mind!
"Don't you have anything to ask me?"

He deliberately asked quietly.

Jin Yuan was taken aback, lowered her head in silence for a moment, and then said hesitantly, "I heard from Moran just now that I put on lotus makeup...but I don't have the slightest impression of it..."

Zhuo Yanchong nodded, and said lightly: "Mo Lan didn't lie to you, you did wear lotus makeup just now!"

Jin Yuan raised her head to meet Zhuo Yanchong's eyes, and seeing that there was no displeasure in his eyes, she asked inexplicably, "But why would I put lotus makeup on myself for no reason?"

Zhuo Yanchong looked at her quietly for a while, and then changed the subject: "Does your arm still hurt?"

Jin Yuan was a little puzzled, and touched her arm. The burning pain before had indeed disappeared, and even the uneasiness surrounding her heart seemed to disappear.

(End of this chapter)

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