Chapter 633 Dangerous 9
Jin Yuan shook her head, she didn't remember all of this...

The damned monster first wanted to use the blood lotus seeds to confuse Zhuo Bingshan, but now that Zhuo Bingshan has recovered his divine power, he wants to confuse her mind again!
She was so angry that her teeth were itchy, she clenched her fists and said angrily, "Next time if I fight a monster head-on, I must vent my anger..."

In fact, she was just talking...

The strength of the monster, after repeated plots, she has roughly grasped it!
No wonder Ming Ye said that the monsters are difficult to deal with!
It's just that there is still one thing she can't figure out...

The monsters either confuse Zhuo Bingshan or her, but they didn't directly kill them, which is a bit strange!

From what she saw so far, everything that demon did seemed to be an attempt to divide the two of them!

"Zhuo Bingshan, you said that the demon tried to mislead me and wanted me to hate you?"

Zhuo Yanchong thought for a moment, then smiled noncommittally: "Monsters have always acted in a strange way... Little Yuan Baoer, no matter what happens, you must remember that everything you hear or see is not necessarily true! ...Only what you really think in your heart!"

Jin Yuan nodded solemnly, held Zhuo Yanchong's hand, and said firmly: "I will never hate you..."

Even though at that time I thought Zhuo Bingshan didn't love herself at all after recovering his divine power...

She never hated him!

The demon wants to confuse her to hate him, probably because she knows that Zhuo Bingshan trusts him and wants to use her to harm him!
"If one day I'm used by a demon... I'd rather be wiped out than let myself be his tool to harm you!"

As Jin Yuan murmured, Zhuo Yanchong's face changed, and he covered her mouth with his hand, and said in a low voice, "Nonsense...I don't allow you to say that!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his hands and hugged her tightly, as if he was worried that she would disappear in front of him...

Jin Yuan saw his worry, the corners of her lips curled slightly, and she hugged him tightly with her backhand.

She's not lying...

If there was such a day, she would never let herself be the one who directly hurt him!
Even though she thought so in her heart, she still comforted him with a smile: "I'm just talking casually... I won't be used by the monsters, I want to join hands with you to deal with the monsters!"

(End of this chapter)

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