Chapter 634 Dangerous 10
She was comforting him, so why not comforting herself!
Zhuo Bingshan didn't say anything, but hugged her silently.

The two hugged each other quietly for an unknown amount of time.

Jin Yuan suddenly remembered the words of Chong Mingniao and Wu Gang yesterday, and asked with concern: "Zhuo Bingshan, I heard that you need to deal with demons with a sword of subduing demons, can you still find the sword of subduing demons?"

"I'm looking for..."

Zhuo Yanchong nodded, his face regained his solemnity, and said in a deep voice: "The Fumo Sword has been lost for a thousand years, and it may have been buried somewhere in the loess!"

"What should I do if I can't find the Demon Subduing Sword?"

When Jin Yuan thought of this possibility, she couldn't help feeling worried.

"Although the Fumo Sword is powerful, I can deal with monsters without it..."

Seeing her worried face, Zhuo Yanchong smiled and kissed the corner of her lips, comforting her and said: "Don't worry, the monster has never shown up in front of me, which means he is not too sure!"

Jin Yuan nodded and smiled at him.

I hope so!

It's not that she doesn't believe in Zhuo Bingshan's strength, it's just that the demon is haunted...

Playing a resentful spirit from time to time, and playing tricks to confuse her heart, it has already disturbed her mind!

The longer it dragged on, the more restless she became.

As for the uneasiness, whether it came from the demon or something else, she couldn't tell...

"Zhuo Bingshan, the monster turned into a dream to confuse me, do you know about the past between you and Lian'er?"

Jin Yuan hesitated for a while, but still couldn't help asking.

She didn't deliberately want to bring up his past, but when she thought of that dream, she always had a knot in her heart.

Although Zhuo Bingshan mentioned that Lian'er was dead, his words were very vague...

She always felt that there was a huge secret behind Lian'er's death!

Zhuo Yanchong froze, looked at Jin Yuan with a puzzled expression, frowned and said, "Why do you ask that?"


Jin Yuan was silent for a moment, shrugged at him, pretended to smile nonchalantly, and said, "It's fine if you don't want to say it, anyway, those are things in the past, aren't they?"

She didn't want to force him to recall those unpleasant memories!
Zhuo Yanchong looked at her quietly for a long time, and countless complicated colors flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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