Chapter 640 Dangerous 16
Zhuo Yanchong shook his head, patted her on the shoulder, and said nonchalantly: "It's nothing, little Yuan Bao'er, you haven't slept well these few days, you'd better rest in the inner hall first, I'll go to the Yizheng hall first!"

Jin Yuan nodded, looking at his leaving back, her heart was in a mess.

Although Zhuo Bingshan said he was fine, but his expression could not fool her!
And she rarely saw Lin Fu, the eunuch in charge, have such a tense and heavy expression!

It's nothing to blame!

After thinking for a moment, she also stepped out of the bedroom.

She concealed herself and followed Zhuo Yanchong all the way to the Yizheng Hall, wanting to know what happened.

Following Zhuo Bingshan to the Palace of Political Affairs, the ministers of various ministries were already waiting there.

Sure enough, as she expected, those ministers all had solemn faces, with anxious eyes flashing in their eyes.

"My Majesty, there is an outbreak in the south of the Yangtze River, and the people are suffering unspeakably. Many people have died of the disease..."

"My Majesty, bandits are rampant in the area of ​​Bashu, robbing passing merchants. The local government sent people to search the bandits' lairs, but they couldn't find any trace..."

"Reporting to the emperor, there is a sudden drought in the north, and the grain production has decreased. The prefects of all places implore the emperor to reduce the tax burden and reduce the burden on the people..."

One minister after another began to report to Zhuo Yanchong the sudden situation in various places, Zhuo Yanchong's face was frighteningly gloomy, and all the ministers were frowning.

Jin Yuan, who had hidden her figure, couldn't help being surprised when she heard these unexpected situations.

Some time ago, grain harvests were bumper everywhere, the national treasury was full, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, but recently everything has changed!
It's an epidemic and a drought again. Could it be that all these are demons?
"Can we find out why the epidemic in Jiangnan originated?"

Zhuo Yanchong frowned and asked in a deep voice.

Although he was displeased, he didn't get angry, instead his tone was very calm.

"Back to the emperor, it is said that it was caused by eating pork infected with the plague..."

A stern light flashed in Zhuo Yanchong's eyes, and he waved his hand and said: "Cui Shangshu, you order to kill and bury all the pigs infected with the plague, and burn them with fire..."

"But your majesty, how should we deal with those people infected with the plague?"

(End of this chapter)

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