Chapter 641 Dangerous 17
"I'll let Physician Wang from the Imperial Hospital personally go to the south of the Yangtze River, bring the high-quality medicinal materials from the national treasury, and treat the common people infected with the plague..."

"The emperor is wise——"

Hearing Zhuo Yanchong's decision, Cui Shangshu loosened his frown a little, and hurriedly cupped his hands and said convincingly.

The other ministers didn't expect Zhuo Yanchong, who has always been ruthless, to make such a decision, and they were slightly taken aback.

Jin Yuan shook her head and smiled, saying that Zhuo Bingshan is a tyrant...

If it is really a tyrant, I am afraid that the imperial doctor will not let the imperial doctor go there to treat the people in person, but set fire to the village!
"As for the bandits in Bashu, Prime Minister Zhang, tell the prefect of Bashu to send someone pretending to be a merchant to lead the snake out of the cave. In addition, support them with a team of elite soldiers, and they will surely catch the leader of the bandits!"

Prime Minister Zhang hurriedly nodded respectfully: "Capture the thief first and capture the king. Your Majesty's move is really wise!"

Zhuo Yanchong turned his attention to the Minister of Rites again, and said lightly: "The tax burden in the north is serious. In order to reduce taxes, the palace cuts expenses, and those activities are exempted..."

The Minister of Rites also nodded in agreement.

Seeing Zhuo Yanchong solve those emergencies one by one, the ministers breathed a sigh of relief.

Jin Yuan also patted her chest to let out a sigh of relief, and secretly gave Zhuo Yanchong a thumbs up.

The ministers were about to say something to make the emperor happy when Changsun Yan hurried over.

"Your Majesty, you have sent troops to support the countries of the Western Regions to confront the Wuyue Clan head-on, causing heavy casualties..."

As soon as Chang Sun Yan said this, everyone's face changed suddenly, and their eyes widened in disbelief.

The imperial court sent a large number of troops to support them, not to mention the best, but they were all experienced in combat.

They, they were defeated by such a small race as Wu Yue...

What kind of help does this Wuyue Clan have, so powerful? !

The only one whose expression didn't change was Zhuo Yanchong.

He seemed to have expected this result, but frowned slightly, and said lightly: "Changsun Yan, there are still a few support teams that have not yet set off, right?"

Chang Sun Yan nodded.

"Very well, let them not have to go out for the time being. As for the army that fought against the Wuyue tribe before, you send someone to send a message quickly, telling them to stop fighting against the Wuyue tribe, and stay put for the time being..."

(End of this chapter)

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