Chapter 642 Dangerous 18
Zhuo Yanchong ordered coldly, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"But Your Majesty, I'm afraid that the Wuyue Clan will not let it go..."

Chang Sunyan hesitated to report.

"I know...letting them stand still is not because they don't want to deal with the Wuyue Clan..."

"What does the emperor mean?"

Changsun Yan asked suspiciously.

Zhuo Yanchong pursed his lips and sneered, glanced at all the ministers, and finally fell on Changsun Yan, saying word by word: "I want to lead my troops to conquer the Wuyue clan!"

Although these words were not loud, they were like a stone thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples.

All the ministers including Changsun Yan looked at Zhuo Yanchong in amazement, and they all bent down and said, "Your Majesty, the Wuyue Clan is only a small country after all, and the Emperor's personal conquest is not in accordance with the etiquette..."

"Exactly, the emperor's dragon body is precious, so it's really not suitable to conquest in person... If something goes wrong, what should I do?"

Jin Yuan also looked at Zhuo Yanchong nervously.

She was not surprised at all when he said his personal words...

Because he had already expressed his intention to go to the Wuyue Clan in person before!

But the Wuyue Clan has been controlled by demons, and now the Wuyue Clan is invading the surrounding small countries, isn't it just to force Zhuo Bingshan to go out?
This is obviously a bureau set up by the demon, Zhuo Bingshan should also be able to think of it...

Then why did he jump into it knowingly? !

The Fumo Sword has not yet been found, and the Wuyue Clan is controlled by demons. No one knows what happened...

Zhuo Bingshan was going to conquest himself at this time, and there was no such thing as the right time, place and people, so how could the chances of winning be so great?
Zhuo Yanchong waved his hand, stopped their persuasion, and asked indisputably: "Since the Wuyue clan is only a small clan, how can you be sure that there will be mistakes in my personal conquest?"


The ministers looked at each other, and hurriedly lowered their heads and replied tremblingly: "I dare not...I am just worried about the emperor..."

Chang Sunyan also hurriedly cupped his hands to persuade: "Your Majesty, it is better to let the last general lead his troops to fight against the Wuyue Clan. The last general will definitely not disappoint the emperor!"
PS: Yesterday's update was not smooth, and there were some problems in the backstage. We are anxious, A Li strives to make it up one after another, and the relatives of the book city also express their urging, because the update of the book city is delayed, and it may be delayed by a few It may be hours... In addition, those who join the reader group, remember to report the stepping stone, the stepping stone is A Li or the name of the character in the article, otherwise it may not be passed. Announce the group number again: 91236971, and Wenwen will be notified in time in the group dynamic~~
(End of this chapter)

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