Chapter 643 Dangerous 19
Zhuo Yanchong shook his head, and said lightly: "I have made up my mind to conquest, you don't need to say much... Changsun Yan, you have your own tasks, and I will entrust you to do some things!"

Seeing that the persuasion was ineffective, Changsun Yan could only nod in agreement.

In the Palace of Political Affairs, the ministers were still discussing, and Zhuo Yanchong gave all kinds of trivial matters, but Jin Yuan was no longer interested in listening.

It seems that Zhuo Bingshan has already made up his mind to conscript...

The Wuyue tribe is born with supernatural powers and is used by demons, so it is only natural that those armies cannot defeat them!

It's just that Zhuo Bingshan's personal conquest, with these elite troops from the imperial court, is probably futile!
Alas, she didn't know what he was planning!

Before they finished discussing the political affairs, Jin Yuan quietly left the meeting hall, lowered her head and meditated silently.

Since Zhuo Bingshan is going to conquer in person, she must be with him...

Then the time left to find the Subduing Demon Sword is even more precious!
No matter what, she must find the Fumo Sword before Zhuo Bingshan's personal conquest, so that she can rest assured!
It's just that I don't know what the demon-subduing sword looks like, or else she would ask the gray-haired friends to search around, and she will definitely find something!
Jin Yuan lowered her head and didn't even look at the road until she accidentally knocked down a little eunuch who was holding a qin, then she suddenly came back to her senses and apologized, "I'm sorry, did I bump into you?"

The little eunuch shook his head, knelt down and said repeatedly: "It's the slave who didn't have eyes and bumped into the queen, the queen please forgive me..."

Jin Yuan smiled and waved him to stand up.

Her eyes fell on the Guqin he was holding, and she asked in surprise: "Isn't this Qin Luo Fei's?"

The little eunuch hurriedly nodded respectfully and replied: "Queen, this Jiaoweiqin belongs to Concubine Luo... Concubine Luo was playing the piano yesterday and accidentally broke a string, so she ordered the servant to take it to a craftsman to repair it." No, it’s repaired and it’s about to be delivered to Concubine Luo!”

Jin Yuan nodded, and couldn't help but look at Jiao Weiqin more, becoming more and more familiar with it.

It was so familiar that she was a little startled!
This Jiaoweiqin is exactly the same as the Qin held in Lian'er's arms in her dream!
She is definitely not dazzled...

(End of this chapter)

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