Chapter 644 Dangerous 20
Although she doesn't know much about Guqin, this Jiaoweiqin is very special, it looks different from ordinary Guqin, she won't admit it!

The woman named Lian Er is good at playing the piano, and Concubine Luo is also good at playing the piano...

She didn't know Luo Fei too well, but because of her excellent piano skills, she learned from her for a while.

After the wedding, too many things happened, she hadn't seen Luo Fei for a long time, and almost forgot about this character!

Although Zhuo Bingshan told her that the dream was a monster misleading her, but the feeling was real.

That heartache is also real...

Could it be that Lian Er and Luo Concubine... are there some kind of connection in the dark?

The more Jin Yuan thought about it, the more disturbed she became, she couldn't help but said to the little eunuch: "It's just right, I also have something to do with Concubine Luo, so I'll go with you!"

After arriving at Concubine Luo Palace, Jin Yuan realized that Concubine Luo Palace seemed even more desolate than before.

Probably Zhuo Bingshan didn't pay attention to the concubines in the harem anymore, and because these concubines were not favored, they were naturally despised by the court ladies and eunuchs, and the cost of food and clothing became worse and worse.

It was in great contrast to the situation when Luo Fei was just released from the cold palace by Zhuo Bingshan and moved to this Luo Fei Palace!
"The concubine has seen the queen..."

Concubine Luo ordered the eunuch to put Jiao Weiqin on the table, bowed to Jin Yuanying, and asked in surprise: "The empress came to see my concubine today, what's the matter?"

Concubine Luo is actually much smarter than Concubine Chen...

Jin Yuan secretly sighed in her heart.

It's just because she doesn't fight, and she behaves indifferently, that's why she stays in this harem without incident!
"It's nothing serious. I just remembered that I haven't heard you play the piano for a long time. I have nothing to do. I want to hear you play another song!"

Jin Yuan said with a smile.

Concubine Luo pushed back the maids and eunuchs in the palace, and nodded with a faint smile: "The concubine is very happy, but the Jiaoweiqin has just been repaired, so I don't know how the sound will be..."

As she talked, she tried to pluck the strings, which was as melodious as ever.

Jin Yuan sat opposite Concubine Luo, listening to her quietly caressing the tune, this time she didn't lose her mind...

The song is still nice, but it doesn't feel right!
To be exact, it is very different from the song played by Lian Er in the dream!
(End of this chapter)

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