Chapter 645 Dangerous 21
Luo Fei's song is very beautiful, but the emotion is a little dull.

But Lian Er's song is extremely emotional, as if there are endless stories in the song!

The piano is the same, but the music played is different...

It wasn't until Luo Fei finished playing this piece that Jin Yuan asked: "Luo Fei, I don't know what's the origin of your Jiaoweiqin?"

Concubine Luo was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at Jin Yuan thoughtfully, and replied with a light smile: "The origin of Jiaoweiqin is somewhat legendary...Although it has been following me, it is not It was passed down from my ancestors!"

"Really? What kind of legendary method?"

Jin Yuan looked at Jiao Weiqin with great interest.

Concubine Luo gently stroked the lines of the Jiaoweiqin, and said quietly: "Probably when I was only a few years old, I went on an outing with my parents and elder brother one day, and saw this Jiaoweiqin in the wild, half of it was exposed outside, and half of it was exposed. Buried it in the soil, I liked it very much, and saw that no one came to pick it up, so I took it home!"

"This Jiaoweiqin has been exposed to the wind and the sun, isn't the string broken or destroyed?"

Jin Yuan was quite puzzled.

Luo Fei shook her head: "When I brought it back, my parents specially invited the master who made the piano to see that it was not damaged, and said that this Jiaowei Qin has many years of history and is extremely precious... I still remember the first time I came across this Qin, as if I was born to play the piano, and because of this, my parents let me learn to play the piano!"

"I see……"

Jin Yuan sighed and nodded, and couldn't help reaching out to touch the Jiaoweiqin.

Could this qin be that Lian Er's qin?
Or is it just a coincidence?

"Under the sun, will there be two identical Jiao Weiqin?"

Jin Yuan muttered to herself, although her voice was not loud, Luo Fei could hear it clearly.

"Queen, I'm not sure about other qins, but this Jiaowei qin is probably the only one in the world, and there will be no others!"

Jin Yuan was taken aback, and looked up at Concubine Luo, she still had a faint smile on her face, her eyes were so clear, it didn't look like she was lying to her!

"It seems that Luo Fei, you and Jiao Weiqin are very destined..."

Jin Yuan couldn't help sighing in a low voice.

Luo Fei nodded without hesitation, a gentle smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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