Chapter 646 Dangerous 22
"Yeah, I also think... I was born with an indissoluble bond with Jiao Weiqin! Maybe it's God's will..."

Is it really God's will?

Jin Yuan took a deep look at her for a few times, then her eyes fell back on Jiao Weiqin, she couldn't help being absent-minded for a long time.

Concubine Luo should be a mortal...

She couldn't detect the immortal energy in Luo Fei's body!

So why did she become attached to Jiao Weiqin?
Does she have anything to do with that Lian'er...?
Or... Maybe Luo Fei is the reincarnation of Lian Er? !

"Queen, queen..."

Seeing Jin Yuan staring at Jiao Weiqin in a daze, Concubine Luo called her twice, and asked with concern: "The empress looks restless, maybe it's the emperor..."

Jin Yuan came back to her senses, raised her eyes to meet Luo Fei's concerned gaze, smiled and shook her head, "The emperor is fine!"

"That's good……"

Hearing this, Concubine Luo had a relieved smile on her face, and the love for Zhuo Yanchong in her eyes was inadvertently revealed clearly!

Jin Yuan also saw clearly.

Although Luo Fei has never competed for favor, she undoubtedly loves Zhuo Bingshan!

She may not be able to see a person's heart clearly, but she will not miss the eyes full of sincere love...

"Concubine Luo, recently...has the emperor come to look for you?"

Jin Yuan asked hesitantly, and regretted it after asking.

Why is she asking this?
Didn't she decide not to ask about Zhuo Bingshan and Lian'er's past?

Why couldn't she stop herself from exploring the unsolvable mysteries? !
Concubine Luo was also a little surprised when she heard Jin Yuan's question. She looked at Jin Yuan inquiringly, shook her head and said with a faint smile, "The Emperor hasn't been to Concubine Luo Palace for a long time... Empress, don't worry!"

"I... am not worried!"

Jin Yuan smiled awkwardly, and cursed herself inwardly.

She doesn't look as graceful and calm as Luo Fei!

Concubine Luo nodded understandingly, and explained with a leisurely smile: "She is also a woman, what the queen is thinking... I can also guess a little bit! Since the accident with Concubine Chen, the emperor has dismissed most of the concubines in the harem! I am fortunate to be able to Staying in Concubine Luo Palace is nothing more than occasionally playing a few ditties to relieve the emperor's worries..."

(End of this chapter)

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