Chapter 648 Dangerous 24
It seems that Concubine Chen said something inexplicable at that time, accusing herself of killing the child in her womb!
Afterwards, no one in the palace mentioned what happened to Concubine Chen, so she forgot to ask.

"The emperor said that Concubine Chen colluded with the demon, and found out that she had asked the national teacher for a charm to plot against the queen, so he secretly executed Concubine Chen..."

Luo Fei hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell Jin Yuan the truth.

"You said Zhuo... the emperor executed Concubine Chen?"

Jin Yuan's eyes widened in disbelief, and she asked in surprise, "Then what about the child in her womb? They were also executed?"

Concubine Luo was also slightly taken aback, she thought the queen knew about these things...

Now it seems that the queen doesn't know anything!
Could it be that the emperor purposely hid these things from the queen?
"Queen, these...these things, maybe you should ask the emperor..."

Luo Fei somewhat regretted that she was too talkative, and replied with a stiff smile.

Jin Yuan frowned slightly, waved her hands and said in a low voice, "Concubine Luo, tell me everything you know!"

This was the first time she showed the majesty of a queen in front of Concubine Luo.

After Concubine Luo was stunned for a moment, she could only bite the bullet and continued, "Concubine Chen has committed several serious crimes... one is to send maids in the palace to wantonly spread rumors in the palace, slandering the queen and Mr. Luohen for cheating; There are dragon species to deceive the emperor..."

Speaking of this, Concubine Luo's eyes flashed with fear, and she continued: "Later, the emperor found a doll that cursed the queen in her palace, and sent Concubine Chen to the cold palace! Master was imprisoned, and the emperor ordered Chen Concubine to be executed..."

"That's it?"

Listening to Luo Fei's words, Jin Yuan didn't seem to find anything strange.

Concubine Chen spread rumors, she didn't care, Zhuo Bingshan didn't believe it anyway...

As for the talisman, she has already beaten Concubine Chen!

It's just that Concubine Chen was pregnant. She knew it at the time, and she was very depressed, and almost had a cold war with Zhuo Bingshan...

Later Zhuo Bingshan said that everything was left to her, so she tried to forget about this trouble!

"Concubine Luo, what do you mean by saying that Concubine Chen lied to the Emperor about having a dragon seed?"

Jin Yuan asked suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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