Chapter 649 Dangerous 25
Concubine Luo was at a loss for words, looked at Jin Yuan hesitantly for a long while, and then replied embarrassingly: "Concubine Chen didn't drink Duanzi soup without telling the emperor... Later the imperial doctor made another diagnosis, saying that it was a misdiagnosis, Concubine Chen was not pregnant with dragon seed! "

Seeing Luo Fei hesitating, Jin Yuan felt that something was wrong.

With such a serious pregnancy, how could the imperial doctor misdiagnose it?

Jin Yuan recalled that Concubine Chen rushed to her frantically that day, saying that she killed the child in her womb, could it be, could it be...

A bold guess flashed in her mind, and she couldn't help shivering.

Zhuo Bingshan said to leave everything to him, is this the result?
Although she doesn't like Concubine Chen, although Concubine Chen plotted against her,...she has taught Concubine Chen a lesson!
She never expected that Concubine Chen's fate would be a death sentence!
Not to mention... I became the person who indirectly killed Concubine Chen!
"Queen, are you alright?"

Seeing Jin Yuan's ugly face, Concubine Luo couldn't help asking worriedly.

Jin Yuan was immersed in the huge shock for a long time and did not recover, until Luo Fei called her several times, she suddenly recovered, shook her head and forced a smile at Luo Fei.


Jin Yuan had something on her mind and didn't want to stay in Concubine Luo's palace for a while, so she stood up and said goodbye to her.

Luo Fei looked at her absent-minded appearance, although she was worried, she didn't dare to persuade her.

She mentioned Concubine Chen just to let the queen understand the emperor's feelings for her, but now it seems...she did something wrong!

Forget it, the relationship between the emperor and the queen is nothing but their own business!
As an outsider, why should she talk too much?

"Your Majesty, why do you still take the initiative to release the queen?"

After Jin Yuan left, the maid next to Concubine Luo asked puzzledly.

Concubine Luo shook her head and smiled lightly, lightly stroking Jiao Weiqin on the table and said: "The Empress rarely comes to my Concubine Luo Palace, this time she came suddenly, it must be because of some unhappiness with the Emperor..."

"I don't think so, maybe the queen is here to make fun of my mother!"

The maid shook her head disapprovingly.

Luo Fei waved her hand and said calmly: "The empress is not this kind of person, if she is really jealous, do you think I still have room to survive in the harem?"

(End of this chapter)

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