Chapter 651 Dangerous 27
The so-called trust...doesn't it exist? !
"Queen, where did you go just now?"

Seeing that Jin Yuan's expression was not very good, Moran asked with concern.

"I went to Concubine Luo Palace just now!"

Moran was surprised when he heard the words: "What is the queen doing in Luofei Palace?"

Jin Yuan was full of thoughts, but when she heard Moran's surprised tone, she raised her eyes and raised her eyebrows slightly, "Can't I go there?"

Concubine Luo knows about Concubine Chen's affairs, and Mo Lan must also know about it...

She was probably the only one who was kept in the dark!
It's ironic when you think about it, she is the one he loves, but she wants to hear those things from others!

"The empress misunderstood, what this servant means...why did the empress think of going to Concubine Luo Palace?"

Moran heard the displeasure in Jin Yuan's tone, and quickly lowered her head to explain.

Many concubines in the harem have been dismissed, not including Concubine Luo...

Is the queen upset because of this?
In fact, she also couldn't understand why the emperor didn't dismiss Concubine Luo...

If it is said that the emperor still has some affection for Concubine Luo, she would not believe it!

Because although the emperor didn't drive away Concubine Luo, he never cared about Concubine Luo!
Not to mention favors!

"I went to see Luo Fei today on a whim, and chatted with her for a while..."

When Jin Yuan said this, she paused for a moment, then glanced at Moran again, and said slowly, "I also learned a lot from Concubine Luo!"

Mo Lan also noticed that Jin Yuan's words meant something, but he couldn't figure out what Jin Yuan was referring to, so he said hesitantly: "Queen, did Concubine Luo say something unpleasant to you?"

A sneer twitched at the corner of Jin Yuan's lips, and she said word by word: "It's about Concubine Chen, Mo Lan, do you think it's a good word or a bad word?"

Moran was stunned for a moment, and was silent for a moment in surprise. Just as he was about to answer, the two walked to the bedroom unknowingly, and Zhuo Yanchong's steady voice came over.

"What nice things are you talking about?"

Jin Yuan raised her eyes and looked at Zhuo Yanchong who was striding towards her, she shook her head and did not answer, but said to Mo Lan lightly: "Mo Lan, I have something to talk to the emperor, you should step back first..."

(End of this chapter)

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