Chapter 652 Dangerous 28
Hearing this, Moran hurriedly bowed and retreated.

Zhuo Yanchong didn't notice that Jin Yuan's face was serious, he walked up to her, and was about to reach out to wrap her in his arms, but she avoided it lightly.

"what happened?"

Zhuo Yanchong looked at her in surprise.

Jin Yuan looked at him quietly for a long while, then she looked away, and said calmly, "I went to see Luo Fei today...she said something to me..."

"What did Luo Fei tell you?"

Zhuo Yanchong didn't notice her hesitation, and asked casually.

Jin Yuan thought that she would accuse him of hiding many things from her face to face, but after seeing him, she realized that those questioning and accusing words were not so easy to say.

"I heard that Concubine Chen has been secretly executed by you..."

Jin Yuan spoke hesitantly, keeping her gaze on his face, carefully observing the changes in his expression.

"I also heard that even the child in her womb is a non-existent thing..."

"Not bad!"

Zhuo Yanchong nodded, and responded lightly, with a natural expression.

"Concubine Chen is too courageous, and she dare not cooperate with the imperial doctor to deceive you about having a dragon seed..."

Jin Yuan sighed, and couldn't help thinking of Concubine Chen's sad and indignant expression that day.

Even though Concubine Chen was controlled by a demon, that's why she ran out like crazy and scolded her in front of the ancestral temple, but Concubine Chen's sad and indignant expression couldn't fool her!
Originally thought that Concubine Chen's grief and indignation were only due to falling out of favor, it wasn't until Concubine Luo's words just now that she was reminded!
To make a woman feel so sad, indignant and painful, besides falling out of favor... there is also losing the child in her womb!
"I still remember how happy she was when she was told by the imperial doctor that she was pregnant with a dragon seed. That kind of joy can't be fooled..."

Jin Yuan's tone was quite helpless.

"Little Yuan Baoer, what are you doubting?"

When Zhuo Yanchong heard her mention Concubine Chen suddenly, his tone was not quite right, and he asked with a slight frown.

Jin Yuan took a deep breath, looked into the depths of his eyes, and asked quietly: "I just want you to tell me that Concubine Chen is not a fake pregnancy, but the child in her womb...was lost, right?"

Her heart was already in her throat.

It's not that she wants to doubt him...

(End of this chapter)

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