The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 664 The Ruthless God of War 1

Chapter 664 The Ruthless God of War 1
She was completely immersed in his tenderness, unable to get away, ups and downs, unable to touch the shore, unable to turn back!

At the moment when he was about to cover her body, a rustling low laughter reached their ears at the same time.

"Someone came in?"

Jin Yuan was still a little dazed at first, but when she heard the clear laughter, her body shook suddenly, and she subconsciously wanted to push Zhuo Yanchong away.

Zhuo Yanchong reacted quickly enough, waving his sleeves to pull Jin Yuan's clothes back, and then said coldly: "Since you're here, why pretend to be a ghost and hide in the dark?"

Jin Yuan was still wondering who the laughing person was, but as soon as Zhuo Yanchong finished speaking, Ming Ye appeared in front of them in elegant clothes.

"Tsk tsk, Pojun Xingjun... Seeing that the world is in chaos, and wars are raging everywhere, are you still in the mood to be in the palace and make love with the little God of Wealth?"

Mingye sighed with a smile while holding her chin, her eyes wandered back and forth between Zhuo Yanchong and Jin Yuan, and finally stopped on Jin Yuan.

Jin Yuan looked at Ming Ye in surprise, and even forgot that her clothes were not buttoned properly, and asked in surprise, "Ming Ye, why are you here?"

"Little God of Wealth, I miss you, so I came to see you..."

Ming Ye didn't care about Zhuo Yanchong's increasingly cold face, and said with a smile in the corner of his eyes.

"But... don't blame me for disturbing the two of you! Who knew you were so passionate during the day..."

Before Ming Ye finished speaking, Jin Yuan's face turned red, and she glared at Zhuo Yanchong complainingly.

"Ming Ye, what crime do you know for trespassing here?"

Zhuo Yanchong interrupted him coldly, and said displeasedly.

Ming Ye shrugged and said nonchalantly: "Mr. Pojun Xing, I don't like to come to your place. How can you talk about trespassing? Don't put on a cold face to me... If it wasn't for the little God of Wealth last time You asked me to stay here to prevent demons from invading the palace, how could you recover your divine power so quickly?"

Zhuo Yanchong frowned slightly, but did not answer.

After Jin Yuan blushed, she stood up and asked Ming Ye, "Where did you go after Zhuo Bingshan recovered his divine power?"

"Little God of Wealth cares about me so much?" Ming Ye gave Zhuo Yanchong a meaningful look, and walked slowly to Jin Yuan's side, intending to put his hand on her shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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