The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 665 The Ruthless God of War 2

Chapter 665 The Ruthless God of War 2
It's just that before his hand touched Jin Yuan, Zhuo Yanchong quickly brushed it away.

"Pojun Xingjun, you are so domineering, be careful to force the little God of Wealth out of breath!"

Ming Ye withdrew his hand, shook his head regretfully and sighed.

Zhuo Yanchong's expression was not very good, and he said in a cold voice, "This has nothing to do with you!"

"Who said it has nothing to do with me..."

Ming Ye raised his eyebrows, smiled at Jin Yuan, and said playfully: "I am the strong backup of the Little God of Wealth! If one day, the Little God of Wealth is abandoned by Pojun Xingjun, my arms will always be open to the Little God of Wealth! "

A sharp light shot out from Zhuo Yanchong's eyes, he couldn't help but hugged Jin Yuan tightly, and said firmly, "I won't abandon Xiao Yuan Baoer, not now, and never in the future, you don't have to think about it! "

"That can't be said..."

Ming Ye shook her finger and said solemnly: "You have a cruel temperament and are used to uncertainties. Maybe one day the little God of Wealth doesn't suit you, so you will bully her!"

Jin Yuan also noticed that the more Ming Ye talked, the more ugly Zhuo Yanchong's face became, she quickly waved her hands to dissuade him and said: "Okay, Ming Ye, stop talking! I don't need you to accept it... You obviously don't have emotions and desires! "

"Little God of Wealth, can't I have all kinds of emotions and six desires if I can't meet you?"

The corners of Ming Ye's lips curled slightly, and he asked back with a smile.

Without waiting for Jin Yuan to refute, he burst into laughter again, shook his head and sighed: "To be honest, little God of Wealth, you haven't officially married Po Jun Xingjun yet... I'm talking about Heavenly wedding, you just protect him like this, be careful that you will be eaten to death by him in the future, and you won't be able to turn over!"

When Ming Ye said this, he did not forget to blink ambiguously, and emphasized the last sentence.

Zhuo Yanchong's face darkened, while Jin Yuan's face turned red.

The more he saw the completely different reactions of these two people, the more Ming Ye found it funny, and almost couldn't hold back his belly laugh in front of them.

"Ming Ye, you didn't just hide and peek, did you?"

Jin Yuanfei glared at him with a warning in his eyes.

Before Ming Ye answered, Zhuo Yanchong patted Jin Yuan's shoulder reassuringly, and said mercilessly to Ming Ye: "If he peeps, I will goug out his eyes!"

(End of this chapter)

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