The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 669 The Ruthless God of War 6

Chapter 669 The Ruthless God of War 6
"Let go of her—"

Zhuo Yanchong spit out these three words coldly, his whole body was covered with a layer of cold aura, as if he was going to attack Ming Ye in the next moment.

Under his cold aura, Jin Yuan couldn't help shivering.

But Ming Ye didn't feel it, and still had a nonchalant smile on his face, as if he was determined to confront him!

Jin Yuan yelled in her heart that it was not good, originally they were discussing how to deal with demons, so the two of them should not fight!
The moment she screamed that she couldn't do it, Zhuo Yanchong had already moved in front of her and reached out to hold her other wrist.

She was grabbed by Ming Ye with one hand and Zhuo Bingshan with the other, and she was caught between them like this.

She didn't want to be the innocent long rope in the tug of war between the two of them!
"Zhuo Bingshan, Ming Ye, don't do anything, peace makes money!"

Jin Yuan persuaded with a smile, in order to ease the suddenly stiff atmosphere, she racked her brains to try to persuade them.

"You are all so powerful. If you join forces to deal with monsters...the power must be very powerful. Even the entire Wuyue Clan will be no match for you! Isn't the division of labor and cooperation very good? One will go to the Wuyue Clan, and the other will find the Fumo Sword. In this case, the demon can only be separated and incapable, and will not make trouble wantonly..."

Before she finished speaking, Zhuo Yanchong and Ming Ye glanced at each other coldly, spoke again at the same time, and interrupted her.

"Who wants to work with him?"

Jin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing.

How could they look like two opposing sides?

Although she hasn't been rotten for a long time, she couldn't help but yell when she heard them say in unison that they don't want to cooperate!

Isn't this an awkward pair of CPs in Tanmei comics? !

Look at Zhuo Bingshan's demeanor, the cold and stern attack... not bad!
As for Ming Ye, it can be seduced or lured by the queen with a black belly!

But Ming Ye's sex attack is actually not bad!
Zhuo Yanchong and Ming Ye were originally at war, but seeing Jin Yuan laugh out of nowhere, sometimes looking at the two of them thoughtfully, with bright eyes, they both thought it was very weird.

Finally, Ming Ye couldn't help but asked, "Little God of Wealth, what are you enjoying there alone?"

(End of this chapter)

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