The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 670 The Ruthless God of War 7

Chapter 670 The Ruthless God of War 7
Jin Yuan shook her head and said with a smile: "I think, to some extent, the two of you have similar personalities! So you don't have to exclude each other...Hand in hand, you will soon become good friends! "

Zhuo Yanchong frowned slightly, and said lightly: "I won't be friends with Gu Yao!"

Ming Ye also shook his head again and again, and sighed exaggeratedly: "Little God of Wealth, please forgive me... He has such a bad personality, I am not like him! To be honest, only you, Little God of Wealth, can bear his personality." , still willing to stay by his side!"

Jin Yuan shrugged and explained with a smile: "Actually, Zhuo Bingshan's personality isn't that bad, it's just that he's a bit cruel..."

Takeaway is a bit overbearing!

Speaking of this, she took another special look at Zhuo Yanchong, and said with a smile: "Besides, I am not the only one who can endure Zhuo Bingshan...For example, the original Lian..."

She suddenly shut up and said no more.

Zhuo Bingshan and Lian Er's past, if he was not willing to mention it himself, she really shouldn't take the initiative to bring it up!

Because every time I mention it, it stimulates Zhuo Bingshan, and even doubts myself!
Since it's all in the past, why should she bring it up again and again?
She knew that Lian'er's death was an eternal pain to Zhuo Bingshan...

As for when it will get better, he doesn't know, and neither does she!
After all, thousands of years have not been able to heal the wound in his heart. The only thing she can do, other than appease his lonely heart, is to wait!

Jin Yuan suddenly remained silent, and Ming Ye noticed a little sign, and asked enthusiastically: "Little God of Wealth, you said that besides you, is there anyone else who can endure breaking the army?"

Jin Yuan didn't look at Zhuo Yanchong's face, but the strength on the wrist held by him increased a little, which represented that his state of mind at the moment was not stable.

She really shouldn't touch the scar on his heart at this time!
"It's nothing. Zhuo Bingshan is handsome and powerful. He is very popular in the heavens. He has long been the object of many female fairies. Of course, many people can bear it..."

Jin Yuan explained with a smile.

Ming Ye knew that she didn't want to say more, and didn't force her, a playful smile curled up on the corner of her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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