The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 676 The Ruthless God of War 13

Chapter 676 The Ruthless God of War 13
Zhuo Yan smiled lightly and kissed the corner of her lips, shaking his head to shake off the slight doubt in his heart.

"It's almost there!"

Jin Yuan stood on tiptoe and kissed him hard on the face, and said with a smile: "You too...whether you are God of War, Po Jun, Emperor of the are my Zhuo Bingshan!!"

Zhuo Yanchong supported her waist with one hand, and sealed her lips again.

"Ming Ye just interrupted our study of Dual Cultivation, why don't we continue now..."

"Hmm..." Jin Yuan was so weak from his kiss, she nodded in response.

A cloud of lust rose in his eyes, and he stretched out his hand to peel off her robe, and was about to continue, when Lin Fu's panicked voice came in anxiously.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, it's not good..."

Zhuo Yanchong frowned angrily, and yelled coldly at Lin Fu who was about to rush into the inner hall: "Get out of here—"

Although the voice was not loud, Lin Fu, who had just rushed into the door, was also trembling with fright, hurriedly retreated outside, and said tremblingly: "Slave... this slave didn't intend to disturb the emperor... but this slave does have important matters to attend to." report..."

Jin Yuan also heard Lin Fu's flustered tone, pushed the dark-faced Zhuo Yanchong, and whispered: "Don't blame him, he is so flustered, he must really have something important to report!"

She knew he was not in a good mood right now...

Who made the circle between him and her always be interrupted from the beginning, first by Ming Ye...

Now that Ming Ye is gone, Lin Fu is here again!

Jin Yuan glanced at him subconsciously, seeing that the lust in his eyes was still burning, she blushed and said, "Zhuo Bingshan... If you really can't help it, I'll help you with my hands..."

Only then did Zhuo Yanchong stare at Jin Yuan for a long while, which made Jin Yuan's whole body tremble.

He pulled Jin Yuan's coat back without saying a word, and his complexion became better. His lust must have calmed down, and he said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Little Yuan Baoer, this time... , come back at night!"

Apart from nodding, Jin Yuan has nothing else to say...

This time I owe it first, wait until the evening...

Hearing what he said, she had an ominous premonition!

(End of this chapter)

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