The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 677 The Ruthless God of War 14

Chapter 677 The Ruthless God of War 14
Before her ominous premonition passed, Zhuo Yanchong had recovered his dignified appearance, and said to Lin Fu outside the door: "Lin Fu, what happened?"

"Back to the emperor... Concubine Chen's palace and several other palaces in the inner courtyard suddenly caught fire..."

Zhuo Yanchong's eyes sank, he stood up and strode towards Lin Fu who was standing at the door.

Jin Yuan was also shocked when she heard Lin Fu's words, and hurriedly followed.

The weather is not dry, and Concubine Chen's bedroom has long been unoccupied, so why did it suddenly catch fire?

Zhuo Yanchong and Jin Yuan walked towards Concubine Chen's bedroom while listening to Lin Fu's description. The road was full of maids and eunuchs carrying buckets to put out the fire.

Everyone was flustered and sweating.

When the two arrived at Concubine Chen's bedroom, they saw the raging fire coming from Concubine Chen's bedroom straight into the sky, turning half of the sky red.

"Your Majesty, Empress, the fire in Concubine Chen's palace has not been extinguished yet, so stay away from it, so as not to hurt the golden bodies of the Emperor and Empress..."

Lin Fu, the eunuch in charge, cautiously dissuaded him.

Both Zhuo Yanchong and Jin Yuan shook their heads nonchalantly, and walked towards Concubine Chen's bedroom.

Seeing that persuasion was useless, Lin Fu had no choice but to follow in fear.

Walking outside Chen Fei Palace, the maids and eunuchs were still struggling to extinguish the flames with large buckets of water.

Lin Fu was worried that the fire would hurt the empress too much, so he hurriedly directed those people loudly: "Quick, move quickly...the fire must be extinguished!"

But within a short while of Lin Fu's command, Jin Yuan called him to stop, and asked with concern: "Eunuch Lin, there was a fire in Concubine Chen's palace, did anyone hurt?"

Lin Fu was smoked by the spreading fire, he slapped his hand several times, wiped the sweat from his forehead, shook his head and replied respectfully: "Queen, since Concubine Chen was demoted to the cold palace, this Concubine Chen has been Abandoned... there is no one there on weekdays!"

"It's fine if there's no one..."

Jin Yuan nodded reassuringly, then turned her head and whispered to Zhuo Yanchong: "Zhuo Bingshan, this is not the way to put out the fire, why not me..."

Zhuo Yanchong held her hand, preventing her from using immortal techniques to extinguish the fire, and said flatly: "This fire is man-made..."

Jin Yuan was taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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